the letter

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Jeongguk looked out the window, confused over the happenings. Taking a glance at namjoon, who was driving at the front, he took out the piece of paper from his polo's small pocket.

— flashback —

She broke through the police that held her, running towards me. She punched my chest with her cuffed hands, looking up at me with desperate eyes before she was taken once again.

I watched as she thrashed around, being forced inside the police car. As it sped away, I caught a glance of her eyes.

It was desperate.

— end of flashback —

Although it didn't seem like it, y/n had managed to slip in a piece of paper in my polo's pocket.

'Please don't involve taehyung and the others into this. Please. Just take me."

It was bothersome to think about how she had managed to write a letter in such a situation.

"Jeongguk." Namjoon called and I quickly slipped the letter in my pants' pocket. "Mind telling me what happened while you were there?"

I sighed, looking out the window. "Maybe some other time namjoon."


Grey walls surrounded you three, a table separating you from namjoon and jungkook.

That's right. You're at the interrogation room.

"Yes. I am guilty." you said, raising your head and looking at namjoon straight in the eyes. "I admit for my mistakes and you can lock me up."

"Why?" jungkook butted in, gaining the attention of both you, namjoon ans the ones listening outside. "W-Why is it so easy for you to admit this?"

"Because I know I'm wrong jungkook." you whispered. "I won't ever be free if I continue living as a mafia leader. I'll get caught either way."

"But don't get me wrong, I'm still mad over the fact that you did this to me jeon."

"Now please just lock me up."

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