sunsets and confusions

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You both stepped out the cab and he softly held your hand, walking towards what you guesses was a beach.

"Perfect." he muttered, a smile plastering his lips as he glanced around the area. "There's not many people today so it's not messy."

"Yeah so?" you asked, removing his grip from your wrist and crossing your arms. "Why did you bring me here?"

He smiled and you tensed, a red tint covering your cheeks. You instantly looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"I just noticed that you were looking really troubled." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "And um, about yoongi and all—"

"So you wanted to cheer me up?" you asked, eyebrows raising as you giggled, seeing his embarrassed face.

"Kinda yeah." he said. "Ah! Let's not talk about that! C'mon!" he grabbed her wrist once again, dragging her towards the large body of water.

She squealed, struggling. "JEON NO MY SHOES CAN'T—" she tensed, feeling her feet drench up. She gritted her teeth, looking up at jeongguk as he smiled nervously. "......get wet"

Her face slowly turned red, hands clawing towards him. "I will kill you!" you began chasing him as he ran.

As soon as you reached him, you tackled him, both of you sinking down on the water. He struggled, bubbles coming out of his mouth and you laughed.

Thankfully, you dropped your purse on the sand before he was able to drag you onto the water.

He began tickling you, and you squealed once again. You stood up for straddling his waist but as you moved back, you tripped.

He gasped and coughed but as soon as he recovered, caught you in his embrace and began tickling you once more.

"Stop! Oh my God stop jEON!" she wheezed, feeling the air in her lungs being knocked out. "I'm going to die! Stop!"

He finally stopped, laughing as he saw your panting figure. You glared at him, feeling the waves hit your body.

"C'mon, let's get out."


You sat on the sand, hugging your legs as you watch the waves softly hit the sand. The sound calming your nerves.

"Here." he wrapped a towel around you. "I bought it from a nearby store." he laughed.

He sat down beside you, staring at your side profile. "There's actually another reason why I brought you here."

You faced him, head tilting to the side. "What is it?"

He softly smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I just wanted to spend the day with you."

Your eyes slightly widened and you turned your head toward the sea once again. You felt your heartbeat accelerate as you covered your warm cheeks with your palms.

What is this feeling?

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