Chapter 41

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Chapter Forty-One

Amber used the remote control to flip through channels on the large television in Luna’s room. Nothing interesting was on TV and Amber sighed with boredom. She had called Lucy in hope to talk to her but she didn’t answer. She was too busy enjoying college life, making Amber jealous. She knew she needed to wait to go but due to her current boredom, she wished she had started already. 

Amber began to think more on college as the television played an obnoxious reality show. How was she going to attend college with a wife and a daughter? Plus, she hardly spoke to either of her parents as it was and she would receive tons of unwanted attention due to her royalty status. Luna promised that things would calm down but yet her life was still so chaotic. 

The door opened and Amber sat up from her spot on Luna’s bed, expecting her girlfriend to enter. However, it was Sally who walked in the room. 

Sally’s face lit up when she saw Amber and she grinned widely, running over to her. “Miss Amber, Miss Amber!”

Amber smiled. It had been two days since she spoke with Sally and got in trouble with Luna over the blood situation. She had not seen much of Sally since then and was happy to see her now, even more so since Sally was excited to see her as well. 

“Hi, dear. What’s the excitement all about?”

Sally sighed lightly and stood by the bed. “That’s the problem: there is no excitement.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s nothing to do,” Sally explained, picking at the bedspread with her fingers.

“Have you finished your lessons?”

Sally was being home-schooled by one of the older servants because Luna didn’t think she was prepared for real school and she didn’t want to be separated from her in fear of losing her again. 


“Well, what do you want to do?”

Before she could answer, Luna walked into the room. 

“Mom!” Sally cheered but stayed next to Amber.

Luna cracked a smile. “Hey, pumpkin.” She walked over to them and pecked Amber’s lips and then kissed Sally’s forehead.

“Can you entertain me?” Sally asked hopefully.

Luna laughed as she walked over to her desk. Her laugh made Amber blush. 

“How about you entertain me,” she teased.

Sally sighed playfully and continued to pick at the bedspread. Amber observed over her time with Sally that the girl always seemed to need something to do with her hands.

Amber lifted her eyes to watch Luna dig through one of the drawers on her desk, obviously searching for something. The television show was getting on Amber's nerves so she turned down the volume.

Luna muttered something under her breath and slammed the drawer shut.

"What's wrong?" Amber asked.

"I can't find the paper Mr. Klune signed. I need it," she explained, walking towards the bed where the girls were.

"It may be in the library," Luna continued, stepping behind Sally. "I need to check there."

"Do you have to work more?" Sally asked.

Luna looked down at her and smiled sadly. "Yes, dear. I'm sorry. Maybe-"

Luna stopped speaking to gasp. Amber had no clue what was wrong until she followed Luna's gaze and saw that Sally had torn a hole through the bedspread due to picking at it.

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