VKs Greatest Fears Headcanons

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Mal - Bodies of water and dogs. The water scares her because she somehow still hasn't managed to learn how to swim. In concern to dogs, particularly big, giant, huge, gargantuan dogs freak her out. But a medium-sized dog will leave her good and wary.

Evie - Needles, the sight of her own blood, and pigs. Both of the former things either make her completely pass out or come close to it, and pigs scare her ever since she researched and found out that they will eat a person.

Carlos - Small, enclosed spaces and rats. It could have something to do with the fact that he accidentally found himself in a sewer at the Isle with a bunch of hungry rats. Fortunately, the rest of the Core Four managed to rescue him before anything too bad could happen.

Jay - Spiders and failure. The spiders thing is quite embarrassing for him, and it always seems to bite him when he least expects it.

Uma - Horses and that she's not good enough or deserving. Quite an odd pair and the horse fear itself is odd, but just because she said she wanted a sea pony doesn't mean that she wants a land pony.

Harry - Not being needed anymore. Harry is fearless in almost every way, but what truly cripples him is the thought that Uma might not need him anymore now that they're in Auradon and are not on the ship.

Gil - Being by himself. Nothing scares Gil more than being left alone and abandoned.

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