19. Free

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The last three months were spent anxiously and today it all came to an end. The arm around her has kept her steady as she walked out of the court. If it wasn't for the people standing beside her, she would have fallen a long time ago. Hearings after hearings every week and delay of conclusion gave her sleepless nights.

But today as the court announced a the punishment to the sinisters, she knew the pain was worth it. The order to release the many girls under the corrupt system has been issued the same time along with the her divorce.

Those months ago the papers she signed were the keys to her freedom from that horrendous man and now she is finally free and is going to begin a new chapter of life. A chapter that will be written with the ink of freedom and the words would give life to new beginnings, as she knew she is ready to write the same chapter herself.

"Bhai, I want to start my studies again, I want a new beginning, a restart where those memories would be lost somewhere. I am ready to fights my demons, ready to crush them and ready to become independent. "

Arsalan looked at his sister, the 19 year old looked so determined to fight the demons, that made their home somewhere in her and the past years. And she looked ready to throw them out.

"Where do you want to study ?"

She scratched the bottom of her mug with her nails. The coffee has gone cold, but it tastes alright.

" Are we leaving Pakistan, for good ?"

The question she asked was simple and the answer was too.

"Yes we are going back and if you want you can continue your studies there ."

She nodded and took their empty mugs back to the kitchen as he collected the candy wrappers, that were scattered on the swing they were seated on.

She was ready to leave the country to the place, that might bring her lost peace.

The wind blew behind them, rejoicing the courage of the broken lady. A lady too young to see the darkness, that is mostly hidden behind the golden charm. Alas, it was not only her who saw that, others have also let out the blood curling screams that were masked behind the pretentious laughter.


The blue pigeon looked restless as he tried to aid it the best he could, he was not practicing to be a doctor, his sister is. But seeing a poor soul that looked as restless as him, have made him to kneel down to help the little creature. 

How birds and animals are similar yet not so similar to human beings.

It was the first time he was alone at home as his cousin was not here and had gone to their homeland for a case, that was precious for the dignity of the people who he respects a lot. The precious human beings who have been underestimated since centuries, who fight for something that came to them since birth, their life and dignity. 

It was crazy how things have evolved yet the mentality remained the same. It was not only about the woman, but the humans who are oppressed for practicing their rights and are restricted from the blessings, most people ignore.

He was proud of his cousin, who won the case that had been dragged for a while, the file of which was covered with dust and rust for god knows how many years. Now since the case was high profile, it got the attention of people, who would neglect the issue of human trafficking, a heinous crime. 

The distinct ringing of doorbell made him place the grains next to the pigeon who was now bandaged. 

Assalamualaikum ? ", the man on the doorstep just pulled him in a bro hug, a smile stretched on his face. 

Wa'alaikum asalaam Hassan, how are you dear cousin ? ", Arsalan asked as he pulled away from Hassan.

" Are you kidding me? Why the hell didn't you call in these last months? Why didn't you called me to pick you up? ", Hassan asked crossing his arms on his chest and raising his eyebrows.

" Are you really having a questioning session with a lawyer? And before you snap dear Hassan, I was busy, and you won't believe the things I am going to say and yeah about picking up, I am not a guest to New york. " 

Arsalan layed on the couch while Hassan took the single seater.

" What things am I not going to believe ?" .Hassan was confused and curious, the happiness on his cousin's face was different, the one that was completely lost when she moved away from him, the light in his eyes was somewhat back, even if it was little and he was eager to know the reason behind. 

Arsalan sat up and narrated the whole incident of what happened back in their homeland, a place that has become cursed for them.


I know the story was moving too slow but from now on it will move with a right speed. Please try to understand.

And yes, Hasnain Lehri as Hassan Ansari.

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