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The world around has quietened down ,just heavy breaths and a clack had echoed through out the room in the past few moments . Breathing ,such a easy task to do ,just inhale and exhale ,was becoming the most difficult one for ,her body was paining ,but she didn't know from which part the pain has started to consume her .Why it felt like there was dense forest in her chest ,constricting her ,suffocating her ,the pain was welcoming and yet unwelcoming at the same time .Then the forest has started to cut down ,giving enough space to the air to come in .The clearing was enough to tell that the pain was unwelcoming . She should not fall in the spiral of pain ,it was feeble escape from the trouble , death was easy but living is what a person should do .

With a loud gasp her eyer fluttered open taking in the dim lightening of her room ,the room in which she has lived her past 4 months ,the dark room which had witnessed her crying ,her pain , her connection to her Allah and today this room witnessed something that has never happened before . There laid a man who was proud moments ago ,now unconscious , with blood covering the floor near his head .Was the man dead ,Afreen wondered but what if he suddenly wakes up and attack her ,the thought was enough to fill her with dread .

Looking around the room she caught the sight of trembling hands ,there were droplets of blood and that hand belong to Danish Ahmed ,the guard .He had stopped the man ,Fariq Sultan from commiting a sin ,sin of killing someone so innocent .There stood three figures in the room ,Danish who was staring at Zaida's wide eyes and Hafsa who was shielding her son away from the ugly scene before them . The Rifle was lying proudly on the floor .

With the help of zaida she stood up slightly stumbling on the body of Fariq ,the man was not dead but unconscious and they were going to make sure they move out of this havelli before he wakes up .With sprained courage she moved towards the slightly heavy bag and gripping it they moved down the stairs towards the gigantic wooden door .The door was slightly ajar,welcoming in the soft breeze ,the sky has changed its colour with the time ,the once dark sky has turned light , the guards were intoxicated and thereby there was no hurdle in escaping the haunted walls of the cursed havelli .The Fallen leaves in their path were sign of the Fallen evils and the blooming bright greens on the tree were the sign of a new journey embarked from there .


Hearing the call of Azaan ,they followed the footsteps of the many lives walking in search for some realities ,in the world full of illusions .Would her restless soul be finding solace in here or would she wander her whole life in searching for sukoon .She will know ,one day she will .

But today she is going to pray for the lives surrounding her ,the ones who save her today and the ones she wanted to save . She is going to raise her hands before him ,making dua for Hafsa ,the soul who suffered the cruelities .For Abaan,her son ,that innocent being who never got the love of Father ,whose head never felt the fatherly touch on his head .For Zaida who lost her parents at a young age and lost her body and innocence to the man .For Danish who had fought for freedon and saved her life ,who dared to defeat his fear . She was going to pray for those girls who were going to shipped off ,ya allah make their pain easy or get them rid of this pain .

Praying is to speak to almighty either privately or in a religious ceremony in order to express love, admiration, or thanks or in order to ask for something . Today she was praying not for herself but for others ,today she was pulled back from death and now is asking him to grant others the freedom and her in every good deed she want to do

She knelt and prayed silently , weeping yet speaking to him .

She was freed finally frrom the acidic clutches of that man and she would try to help all those who wanted freedom,well as much as she can . 


Pray to your almighty ,in the god you believe , although the god is only one in my eyes and many others' too though he is recognized by different names , but still believe in the one you had put your faith in .Times are difficult ,but they will surely pass .

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