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The walls of Sultan haveli were the witness of the utter betrayl , pain , and many sickening moments , one would not want to see with naked eyes . They were also the witness of howling laughter , cruel remarks and something they witnessed everyday . The place as grand as that should have seen beautiful things , melodious laughter , happy beginning and endings .

The walls were not exactly paper thin , but Afreen could her the cruel laughter and low music , and the voice she heard the loudest sent shiver down her spine . The voice belonged to Fariq Sultan , the man of utter brutality , the one with dead eyes and empty soul . She was not a weakling ,never was ,yet the man terrified her . He held the strings of breaths she took right now and she knew he could pull the strings ,if he want , and leave her to die .

She does not want to die, the reason she didn't knew . She wants to live , to throw the people like fariq sultan behind the bars and make them repent their doings . It was not going to be easy ,she knew , but also believed in her Allah ,the one whom she had utmost faith in . She knew he would give her and many other women who were suffering , the justice , the one they deserves .Allah , the almighty was the most merciful , He was her creator and would not let anyone destroy his creation . He was always planning something better .

Willing herself to move towards the source of the sounds , she took deep breaths and moved towards the railings and as she was about to take the first step but she halted . The reason was not fear , but the light sobs that came from the room down the hallway . She was near the door in seconds but a quiet whisper stopped her actions .

 " Na jayein bibi , wahan na jayein" .(Don't go there mam , don't go there ). Recogising the voice , she turned sideways and saw a very stoned Zaida near a sleek vase , her face was slightly green and before afreen could blink ,zaida was half across the hallway and the heard the sound of her retching .

Zaida was about to go to a certain room to deliver the cup of tea and a milk bottle when she heard the low groans and soft cries . The bile rose in her throat , it was not the first time but still every time she could feel her throat burning up and her body growing stiff . She was aware of what was going in ,but she had no power to stop all this . If she could ,she would have burn those people alive without any remorse , without any second thought . And she was afraid of her thoughts , the thoughts were harmful but they were not harming her . The lady in her was harmed a long time ago , there was nothing in her now left to be harmed .

A severe pain makes the person empty ,they lose the capability to think and make a difference between right and wrong , they think their god failed them . But they forget to realise that the god never did . He was there all along , but he was trying to make you strong for the things that would come in future . He was carving you in such a way , whenever a curveball would hit , you won't fall apart . Zaida would come to realise his intentions very soon .


As she came back to her room , her head was whirling with numerous questions . A question was the most prickling , who was sobbing behind that closed door? 

It was 4 o' clock in the morning and her sleep has vanished a long time ago , as she heard banging of doors , her body got stiff , and then suddenly her bedroom door opened and came in a very drunk Fariq Sultan . 

Her eyes widened seeing his disheaveled form ,his bloodshot eyes .

kya vo khof tha uski ankhon me,  (Was that fear in her eyes?)

kya mayoosi thi uske ashkon me, (Was that sadness in her tears?)

woh yeh sab nahi jaanti thi. (She didn't know it all.)





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