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His heavy steps were echoing ,sharply contrasting the thick silence in the havelli .The man was on the mission, a mission to rob something so pious, so fragile ,so meaningfull yet so vulnerable .The dark silence of havelli was holding something akin to fear, something was going to change,for worse or for better .The people in the havelli were taking bated breathes afraid to know what will happen the next moment .Would they be free from the chains of despair ,the chains which were crushing them every second? or Would they get caught in the everlasting spiral of agony ?

No one knew ,yet one knew and that was Allah ,the almighty,the one who would never leave his children alone ,the one who paving their paths for a better life .He knew his trials will make his children stronger ,they would learn from the situations they faced. He will be there through their hardships and would guide them .

The loud slaming has alerted her,waking her up from her thoughts .The thoughts of what ifs ,the thoughts that held doubts and fear were surrounding her .She was just a 18 year old teenager ,she should be studying right now,should be dreaming about her future yet here she was drowning in thoughts of breaking away from the cluthes of this man .

The man who was standing there with hooded eyes ,and loosened clothes .He was clearly drunk,she knew from his faltering yet heavy steps , this has not demolished her fear but heightened it . The man was large in size ,and twice her age but the men held no respect in her eyes ,he hold nothing .He was a ruiner,one who had diverted long ago from the path of virtue .He had ruined lives of innocent souls for his greed ,his lust ,he had hollowed souls of many beings.

As he fumbled with the belt ,her breathing has become painful ,it was easy to think the plan yet too difficult to carry out .Ya Allah .Save me. The belt was discarded and slowly Afreen backed away near the headboard .Her bag was a feet away ,she could have easily gone there to pull out the weapons ,but knowing Fariq's reflexes ,she held herself .Now was not the time to act foolish ,she could not put the lives depending on her at risk . Her lips were mumbling verses ,she was sending silent prayers to her creator .Without any warning Fariq has snatched her hijab along with a tuft of her hair .Her eyes brimmed with tears ," Hato yaha se",she let out a sharp cry .(move away) .

The hijab had come undone .She was just near the bag ,but before she could even touch it ,Fariq heavy hand has grasped her's in a painful grip .With a sudden shriek she was beneath him,his heavy hands crushing her delicate arms .The man was strongly reeking of alcohol ,as he tried to come near her ,she had spit at his face and with a angry yell she fell a burning sensation on her cheek ,her head lolling to the side .

The pain had not fazed her ,but the situation was creating a havoc in her mind .She had never come close to a man in her entire life ,not even in yateemkhana and yet here she was in the clutches of a man ,who was a husband of hers at papers but true devil in reality . She was not going to be another victim and with that thought in her mind she had mustered enough strength to bring her knee upward to kick him in his manhood . As his grip loosened she had escaped from beneath him and took the knife from the bag .The bright silver glimmering in dull night .

Fariq was drunk and with the pain in his jewels ,his steps were faltering . He was too drunk today ,and Afreen was going to use that as her advantage .

But the next moment everything was a chaos ,Fariq has gripped her slender neck in the chokehold making it hard for her to breathe ,her grip on the knife has slackened ,and the lamp she was standing against has crashed ,the sharp thin glass bits digging in her soft palm .Moments have passed with her struggling to come out of his hold and the howls of owls were echoing in the dark sky .

Her breathes have gone shallow and the next moment her struggling stopped .

kya ho raha tha use sath,(What was happening to her)

kya rooh jism se ja rhi thi,(Was her soul leaving her body )

Sab itna khamosh kyu tha,(Why was everything so silent)


Sorry for the cliffhanger .



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