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Glaring sun was a little help to distract herself from the cruelty of her own people or the ones she could call her own . Sweating and suffering young ragpickers was the sight which made her think that life wasn't that cruel to her . 

Although she wanted to prolong her walk to the home , she moved a little faster to not face the wrath of the people she should consider her own . A wail echoed , breaking the tranquility existing in the place . A painful smile made its way to her face crushing a little piece of her already damaged heart .

Not wasting another moment she walked inside and went to the room which was the only place she found peace in . Little bundles of joy seemed like a ray of light in the yateemkhana but seeing them here in this place always shatters her . Picking up the baby of merely few months she tried to stop his crying and patted him as he quietened down . Putting him in his crib she walked over the other cribs seeing the other small babies were either looking around or were fast asleep . 

Moving to the room she has survived her past seven years in she heard not so quiet whispers of the ladies who were looking at her with pity and something unknown in their eyes . Avoiding their eyes she changed herself from her school uniform and went to fetch milk for the young babies sleeping in their cots unknown to their life ahead .

As the azaan for isha prayer went off she did her wudu and went to the prayer room where the other ladies were present asking their creator to ease their pain . Placing the praying mat at its original place , she went to the nursery to blow duas on small  babies . It was just a room filled of cribs and milk bottles and the four walls protecting the babies and their cries from reaching any further .

Moving through the hallway she was about to go to sleep when a heavy arm pulled her much weaker one scaring her . She yelped as the angry bruise started to form on her skinny arm . Looking up to the devil in disguise , her chin started to tremble  but the cold look in her eyes was enough to freeze the woman in front of her . 

Hazra Bashir , the incarnation of satan . The woman filled with greed and disgust was the living nightmare of the people in this cursed place . Yateemkhana was less a shelterhome and more a prison . Looking in the black orbs of the devil she could feel an unknown fear settling in , gripping and choking her soul . The heavy woman dragged her to the meeting room . A room forbidden to enter by any of the ladies . Sobs were threatening to come out as the nails dug into her skin .

The door opened with a bang and she was pushed in . Not daring to look into anyone's eyes she silently stood oblivious to the hungry gazes of the men who were there to buy her . As she felt a burning gaze of a centain man with dead eyes her soul shook and silent tears made their way down her hazel orbs . 18 years old's soul was about to burnt down .

zism uska us din bik gya

ruh uski usi se cheenli gyi

keemat lagi us din uski 

insaniyat ne sir jhuka liya


If you see any injustice around you please be kind enough to stop it or report it. Saving one life is a good deed in itself .

"I know the story might seem kinda *well lets not say that* but it will get better"




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