13.A new Struggle

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Chirping of the birds was like a lullaby ,both the ladies around her were dozing off and Abaan was sleeping in her lap .Oh! how peaceful they look sleeping like this ,they were finally free from the torment ,their relaxed features gave Afreen the courage she would need to survive the upcoming struggle .With that thought ,she kissed Abaan's forehead and placed him in the arms of his mother ,who instantly curled him to her chest . The room provided to them by Imam Sahab was nearly vacant ,just consisting of few ladies other than them .

Moving outside the room ,she scanned the area around her ,and saw Danish sitting on the steps .

 "Danish Bhai ",(brother) ,Danish abruptly stood up at the sound of Afreen's voice .

"Ji, aapa ",(Yes,Sister) ,he replied ,with lowered eyes .

"Bhai ,I think we should leave from here before those man come looking for us " She whispered , and recieved a nod from him .

With that she woke up Zaida and Hafsa ,and informed Imam Sahab and moved towards the path which would lead them to their next Destination .


The trustee of yateemkhana ,Mr Salah Khan's House was not too Faraway from the Masjid ,and with the help of the motor rikshaw (a four wheeler ) ,they reached there in half an hour. The man was shocked when they approached him ,but without a single word spoken, he ushered them in and told one of his daughters to show them guest room and himself took Danish to outhouse and told him to rest .

Although he wasn't aware of the reason of their arrival but he was regretting ever coming in the words of the officials .He should not have let Afreen marry that man . The man was behaving way too sweet and kind ,that was suspicious enough yet he didn't pull her out of there .


Afreen was not getting any sleep ,the thought of other girls being trapped was not going away ,she has escaped but they weren't able to and this thought was eating her every second . Seeing a folded prayer mat at the shelf ,she took it and sat down to give her mind some peace ,the one only her Allah could give her .

Keeping back the mat at its place ,she moved towards the living room ,where Salah was sitting hunched over ,in deep thoughts . "Uncle I'm sorry ,that I came unannounced ", Afreen said ,her voice hoarse . Salah was not able to understand ,what was going through her mind and what has happened to her at that man's house , but the bruises on her hand and that woman's face and hands were telling haunting stories that were making his head spin .

Ya Allah ,rehem kr in par . (Oh god,have mercy on them).He murmered again and again in his head and spoke in the voice ,the one in which a father speaks to his child whil consoling them . "bete (Daughter) ,It is not a problem ,but please tell what happened to you and those woman , I need to know " .

"Uncle ,the officials of yateemkhana ,sold me to that man and ..............." ,she told him everything whatever she faced in yateemkhana and that havelli ,each and every detail . It was not hard explaining that to him,he was listening intently ,his heart going out for her and the other people who suffered at both the places . When she finished the man was in tears ,asking her to forgive him for ever allowing the marriage ,he was guilty and was willing to do anything to help them . 

This girl has seen the cruel world at such a young age , and the things she faced are yet to sink in ,ya allah give her strength to deal with it . And give sabr (patience) to all those people who are suffering ,he raised his hand while sitting on the prayer mat at night .

He is going to make everything right ,and Afreen was there with him at every step .


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