Chapter Twenty-Three

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"We're going out after the court date." Jamie whispered.

"Really? That's great. Where are you guys going?"

"Just to a restaurant nearby. Not too fancy but not too casual. Oh, I can't wait! Why did you never tell me your brother was this good looking?"

"Because I hadn't seen him for twelve years." Alice laughed.

Emma looked up at Alice and put her finger over her mouth, having been disrupted from the presentation by their chatter. Alice and Jamie did their best to hold back their laughter as Emma glared at them.

"You're right, Emma. We'll be quiet." Alice replied.

The two became red in the face once Emma turned back to pay attention to Esther. During the first break of the day, Emma went to go spend time with Pierre and Cory as Alice and Jamie continued their conversation in the corner of the room.

"You're going to have come over and help me pick out an outfit to wear for the date."

"Of course I will!"

"I still can't believe George actually agreed. I mean, we never really talked a lot or for too long but... he's so sweet and cute." Jamie told her.

"Next time I see him, I'll do a little digging to see how he feels about you."

"Oh, no, don't tell me! I'll just freak out."

"Even if he says he likes you or thinks you're attractive?" Alice scoffed, furrowing her brow.

"Yeah, it'll only freak me out more. Keep it to yourself and tell me after the date."

"Alright." Alice chuckled.

"Now, on to you. How are you doing? How's the baby, you know... with the...?" Jamie inquired.

"The baby's good. We're doing fine."
"How's Tom?"

Alice cleared her throat as she glanced down at her lap.

"Um, he's good."

"Aren't you excited?" Jamie nudged Alice's side.


"Cause it's his last day of classes so you'll get to spend more time with him?" Jamie chuckled.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I'm excited." Alice replied.

"You don't sound like it. What's up?"

"Nothing. It'll be nice to have a small break before all this court stuff."

"Come on, something's up. What is it?" Jamie inquired.

"It's nothing!" Alice protested. "I have the video I made of your choreography. Want to see before everyone else?"

"Hell yeah!" Jamie beamed.

Alice let out a sigh of relief as Jamie directed her attention to her phone screen. During their second break, Alice went to go pick up Daniel from school to bring back to the theater. Once she was gone, Jamie walked over to Pierre and Cory and pulled them aside.

"Hey, I have to ask you guys something." Jamie said softly.

"What is it? Everything alright?" Pierre asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's about Alice."

"What about her?" Cory furrowed his brow.

"Something's... off with her. I don't know what it is." Jamie replied.

Pierre and Cory glanced at one another with a knowing look and then back at Jamie.

"What? Do you know something I don't know?" Her eyes widened at the prospect of gossip.

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