Chapter Nine

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 After a few hours, Alice's contractions were a bit stronger than before. Tom was quick to hold her hand and breathe along with her. Other times, he'd run his hands up and down her back doing his best to soothe her. Jamie was there taking photos for them as the others were in the room to help Alice with anything she needed. As she was several centimeters dilated, her doctor suggested she go for a walk to help her reach ten centimeters. Down the halls of the hospital, Alice had one arm wrapped around Tom's as she held her I.V. drip in the other. Tom chuckled lightly seeing Alice slowly waddle. Alice looked up at him and scoffed, shaking her head.

"You're still going to make fun of me, even in labor?"
"Oh, yes."

The two laughed as Tom pressed a kiss to her cheek.



"I'm sorry for being so down these past few months." Alice spoke.

"Alice, it's okay. You were healing. You don't need to apologize." Tom told her.

"But I feel so bad being so distant from you during the whole pregnancy. I feel like we never even had a chance to celebrate any little thing, like finding out I'm pregnant or that it's a boy and-"

"It's okay." Tom interjected.

He took Alice's face in his hands and smiled brightly.

"We'll have so many more opportunities to celebrate. Like, his first word, his first steps, first laugh, first birthday, first everything else we can imagine."

Alice beamed with joy as she giggled, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks. Tom mirrored her smile seeing her whole face radiate pure joy. As they kissed, Alice moaned through it, pulling back suddenly. The two heard water pour onto the floor and Tom furrowed his brow seeing Alice's eyes widen as she gripped onto his arms.

"What is it?"

"My water broke."
"Okay... I think we should find someone to clean this up and go back to our room."

"I think that's best." Alice nodded her head.

A few nurses came over and helped as Tom and Alice returned back to their room. They alerted their doctor as Esther and Pierre helped Alice back onto the bed. At that moment, Alice felt another contraction and gasped loudly, scrunching her face together.

"This one really hurts."

Tom rushed to her side and reached out for her hand. He grinned feeling her take it and squeezing it as tight as possible. Alice looked up at him and the two gazed into each other's eyes as they breathed together. After a few more hours, Alice was on her side, gripping the handle of the bed as she cried softly, breathing through her contraction. The doctor walked in and thought it best that only Tom and Jamie remain in the room. Once the contraction had passed, Tom wiped down Alice's face as the doctor checked her cervix.

"I think in the next hour or so, you'll both officially be parents." The doctor announced.

And after half an hour, the doctor said that Alice was ready to push. They raised the bed so Alice was sitting up as she bent her legs and spread them. The doctor and a nurse positioned themselves in front of Alice as Tom stood by her side, gripping her hand and holding up her right leg. Alice took a deep breath and pushed as the nurse coached her along, counting down. As she pushed, Alice felt overwhelmed by all the voices and the flashes of the camera. Looking around the room, Alice shook her head and let out a sob.

"I can't do this! I can't do it!" Alice wailed.

"Yes, you can, you got this. Now, push." The doctor commanded.

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