Guess Who's Back

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"Is it ready?" Astra asked as her and a few other Kryptonians stood around a table

"Yes, we've reprogrammed the phantom zone projecter." A man said

"Thank you dear husband, now time to free some prisoners" Astra said taking the device and ripping open a portal, but not to the phantom zone, but a blue portal opened up followed by a series of lightning strikes. Then a flash of red and light blue lightning zipped past Astra and in a split second all the Kryptonians except Astra and Non were all dead.

"Thank you for freeing us." Savitar said smiling evily before removing his hand from the chest cavity of a Kryptonian

"But may i ask why?" Thawne said crushing the heart of a Kryptonain and seeing the life drain from his eyes.

"We have a common enemy, Barry Allen." Astra said as Savitar and Thawne exchanged a look and smirked

"What's the plan?" Savitar asked as the four of them began conversing.


Ever since Astra's sudden appearence Mon-El and Kara had been getting along slightly better. Key word being Slightly. Mon-El and Kara knew excatly how to push each others buttons, but were secretly warming up to each other.

"Hey Kara." Mon-El waved from the couch as Kara waved back

"Stop flirting." Alyssa teased

"Bro, all i did was say hi." Mon-El said confused as Alyssa and Jesse laughed

"Yeah, but you have a crush on Kara, don't you?" Jesse joked as Mon-El's face went an undiscovered shade of red.

He kept denying that he had feelings for Kara he had to because he was raised to detest Kryptonians, but here he was living under the same roof as one. But he was welcoming to the thought of him and Kara getting together one day, but he just kept saying that Kara didn't like him back and that she didn't like him one bit.

On the other hand Kara kept thinking about Kara Danvers and Mon-El and how they seemed so happy together, then thought about Barry, Caitlin and Alyssa, Jesse and the type of love they shared with each other the type of love that made your heart beat faster when you were even close to them, the type of love that lasted forever, Kara was still young but she was smart enough to understand what she wanted, she wanted to be loved, not in the parentle or sibling kind of way, but the kind of love that Barry and Caitlin shared, the type of love that Jesse and Alyssa shared. She wanted to experience true love.

"Kara?" Barry asked seeing his daughter space out for a second

"Yeah?" She asked snapping back to reality

"You okay? You spaced out for a couple seconds" Barry chuckled as she smiled

"Don't worry Dad, i'm fine." Kara said resting her chin in her palm

"Dad?" Kara asked as Barry looked up at her


"Do you think i'll ever have what you and Mom have?" Kara asked nervously

"What do you mean?" Barry asked walking over and sitting on the bar stool next to her

"You know that special type of love, that you share with another person." Kara asked playing with her fingers

"Of course sweetie and i can't wait until you find that person." Barry said bringing her into a hug

"Or have you already found him?" Barry asked looking to her then to Mon-El who was laughing with Jesse and Alyssa

"Dad!!" Kara exclaimed as she turned red from embarrasment

"I'm joking." Barry said laughing, in reality he couldn't be more serious and judging by her reaction she was warming up to the possibility of a relationship with Mon-El.

"BARRY!!!." Caitlin screamed catching the attetion of everynoe in the house, everyone ran to the Caitlin's voice and found her in Dawn's room crying 

"Cait?!" Barry asked worriedly only to be met with a similiar fate to Caitlin

"Dad?" Jesse asked walking into the room to her parents smiling and crying while Dawn slowly waddled towards them

"She's walking?" Alyssa pointed out as Kara jumped in excitement

"She's taking her first steps..........." Barry said covering his mouth as tears escaped his eyes

"Mama." Dawn said as she waddled towards Caitlin only to fall on her butt, but she didn't care she just giggled while smiling at her Mom and Dad

"Dawn sweetie, we're so proud of you." Barry said lifting her up and smiling at her

There happy was of course ruined by a streak of light blue and red lightning flashing throughout the city, Barry was beyond terrified, not for his safety but for his family's safety.

"Dad....." Jesse said noticing the familiar streaks of lightning

"Cait, take the girls and Mon-El to Earth-38." Barry said walking towards the window

"Dad you can't be serious, you may be fast but you can't take Thawne and Savitar by yourself, not to mention Astra and Non are still on the loose also the Fort Rozz escapees, you don't stand a chance." Jesse said worried her Dad would put his family's safey before his own

"I hate to say it Barry but she's right." Caitlin said scared for her husband's sake

"Who said i was going in alone? I meant go to Earth-38, we're going to need some help." Barry said smiling 

"What about me?" Mon-El asked

"You and Kara are staying on Earth-38, Kara isn't going to be strong enough to fight and you are inexperienced in fighting, let alone fighting two evil speedsters." Barry said as Kara and Mon-El reluctantly agreed

"Cait, tell Frost to be on her gaurd." Barry said as Caitlin nodded and closed her eyes

"Frost? Can you hear me?"

'What's up Caity?' Frost said happily

"Thawne and Savitar are loose, you need to be careful." Caitlin warned, Caitlin could feel Frost tense up and her emotions rise

'I can be in Central City in few hours.' Frost said feeling Caitlin's fear and worry

"No, it's safer if you stay as far a way as possible" Caitlin said as Frost sighed in agreement

'Okay be safe, if you die i'll kill you' Frost said making Caitlin smile, Caitlin missed Frost's attitude.

"Okay, you too." Caitlin said opening her eyes and nodding at Barry

"You ready girls?" Barry asked as Jesse and Alyssa nodded

"I'm ready to kick some ass." Alyssa exclaimed as Caitlin, Mon-El, Kara and Dawn went to Earth-38. The Trio stuck there arms out and sped off into their suits preparing to end Savitar and Thawne once and for all.

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