Coming out

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Caitlin woke up to the smell of breakfast and laughs from the kitchen she smiled and rolled over and frowned a bit when she Barry wasn't there. She got up and picked up her ring and smiled at it as she slipped it on. She walked down stairs and saw Barry on one of the bar stools reading a book as Jesse and Kara made breakfast. 

"Morning guys." Caitlin said sittilng next to Barry 

"Morning babe." He said pecking he temple 

"Morning Mom." Kara said running over and hugging Caitlin 

"Morning sweeite." Caitlin said laughing 

"Kara, honey your bacon is burning." Barry said chuckling 

She ran over to it and saw it was burnt, she frowned a bit, so Jesse gave Kara her bacon which made her smile from ear to ear and hug Jesse. 

"Thank you, Jess." Kara said hugging her 

"No problem KarBar." Jesse said hugging back. Jesse started to call Kara 'KarBar' (Pronounced carebear.) because of how much she loved hugs. 

Barry and Caitlin smiled at their daughters and ate their own breakfast. Barry had told Kara and Caitlin it was Jesse's birthday today and they were going to Joe's for a family BBQ. 

"Jesse sweetie can you come here for a sec?" Barry said as Kara an over to him 

"What's up, Dad?" She said and a massive smile grew on her face as Caitlin and Barry gave her two presents and Kara handed her one as well. 

"You remembered....." Jesse said smiling 

"Of course we did, how could we forget?" Barry said kissing her temple. 

She smiled and opened her present from Kara it was a braclet similar to her own.

"Sorry i didn't know what to get you." Kara said fiddling with her glasses

"KarBar i love it, thank you." Jesse said opening her arms for a hug which Kara accpeted. 

She opened hers from Barry and it was a new phone since her current one was old. 

"Well your current phone is pretty ol-" Barry saud but was interrupted by Jesse giving him a big hug

"Thanks, Dad i love it." Jesse said smiling into his chest 

She opened hers from Caitlin and saw a necklace with a snowflake on it

"I hope you like..." Caitlin said 

"Mom, it's perfect." She said smiling and hugging her 

"Can you help me put it on?" Jesse said smiling. 

"Okay sweeite." Caitlin said smiling as Jesse turned around 

"Well in the spirit of giving i have something to tell you guys." Jesse said nervously 

"You know you can tell us anything." Caitlin said smiling 

"Well...............i'm bi-sexual." Jesse said nervously 

"That's great sweetie." Barry said 

"Really, you're not mad" Jesse said smilng

"Nope, just a bit sad that you didn't feel comfortable enough to tell us soon." Barry said 

"Sorry, it's just my last foster family called me crazy when i told them." Jesse said frowning. 

"Oh honey, we will always love you, no matter what." Caitlin said, Jesse smiled and hugged Barry and Caitlin who motion for Kara to join she smiled and hugged Jesse as she cried. 

"Jesse, when we signed those papers and became your parents we promised that you would never feel unsafe or abandoned ever again and always feel loved." Barry said kissing the top of her head. Hearing those words made Jesse cry harder. 

"Don't worry, you'll always be Jesse Allen no matter what you are." Kara said smiling 

Jesse smiled and hugged her familt greatfully as every time she came out it always ended in conflict. 

"Now come one get ready we're going to Grandpa Joe's house for a BBQ." Barry said pulling from the hug. 

Jesse nodded and wiped her tears as she and Kara went to their rooms to get dressed 

"Barr, i have feeling you already knew." Caitlin said smiling at him 

"A father always knows." Barry said smiling at Caitlin pecking her lips 

The four went to Joe's house for Jesse birthday. Kara was always excited to see everyone, so naturally she ran to the door and knocked first

"Hi, Auntie Iris." Kara said hugging her 

"Hey, honey." She said pulling from the hug as Kara ran in behind her to greet everyone else 

"Hey, Jesse." Iris said hugging her other niece 

"Hi, Auntie Iris." Jesse said smiling 

Everyone obviously got a hug from Kara and Jesse recieved a present from everyone. Peolpe were talking and laughing and for some reason Kara was on Jesse's back.

"Kara, you're bulletproof, you can fly and you have super strength, yet you are on your sister's back?"  Cisco said laughing 

"What, i just love my big sister." Kara said resting her chin on Jesse's shoulder

"Love you too KarBar." 

The family sat around a large table and ate together, laughed together and even a few more tears after Jesse came out to Joe and Cecile. 

"Oh honey, you know nothing can change the way we feel about you." Cecile said smiling 

"Anyone who abandons a family member, ain't part of my family." Joe said hugging Jesse who laughed. She was truely greatful that they accepted her. 

After hours of family time, everyone slowly funnelled out and every one had said their goodnights and goodbyes, but in Kara's case had hugged everyone. Once they got home they just relaxed on the couch and watch a muscial. Barry was sitting down with his arm around Caitlin who had her head stuffed into his neck, while Kara sat on Jesse's lap. They all fell asleep on the couch not wanting to be any where else.

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