Tearful Reunion

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"General we've located your niece." A man said bringing up a video

"Kara, you're coming home." Astra said smiling as a video feed played a video of Kara and Barry in the park


"Morning Barry." Mon-El said walking into the kitchen

"Morning Mon-El" Barry smiled

"Mom, Dad why is he still here?" Kara complained putting her head down on the counter

"He is here because just like you, he is stranded on a foregin planet." Caitlin said rubbing Kara's back

"Bu he's annoying." Kara whined

"KarBar, be nice." Jesse chuckled throwing a pillow at her

"Yeah, KarBar." Mon-El mocked making Kara throw the pillow at his face

"I'm the only one allowed to call her that." Jesse yelled from the couch

Mon-El sat on the bar stool next to Kara, but pulled it so it was right next to her, just to piss her off, but to his suprise she didn't move. Well if she wasn't going to move he wasn't going to move either, he would never lose to a Kryptonian.

"Why are you guys so close together?" Barry asked wiping his plate, Kara looked and saw Mon-El right next to her, her face went bright red as she quickly skidded her chair away from him

"Don't worry you two will make a very cute couple." Alyssa said wrapping her arms around both of the shoulders

"Yeah we would." Mon-El teased as Kara's face went even redder as she blushed furiously

"i-i'm not gonna date someone like you." Kara huffed turning her head away from Mon-El

"Sureeeeeeeee." Jesse giggled

Jesse and Alyssa had made a secret pact, in order to push Mon-El and Kara together. I mean they were together on another Earth so why wouldn't they get together here. But Barry and Caitlin protested saying they were both only twelve, but did this stop Jesse and Alyssa. No, no it did not.

"Jesse, leave your sister alone." Caitlin laughed

"Alone with him? Sure." Jesse laughed pointing to Mon-El as Kara and Mon-El both poked there tongues out at Jesse

"They even copied eachothers actions." Alyssa smiled putting her hands over her heart

"Shut up." Kara and Mon-El both said as Jesse clapped her hands together in excitement

"It's happening." Caitlin whispered to Barry who nodded in agreement

"But i'm not gonna let it happen until they are both at least 18." Barry defended as Caitlin laughed

"Really, Barr?" Caitlin asked 

"Hey, how many people do you know that started dating at twelve?" Barry protested

"Not you too Dad." Kara said putting her head in her hands

"Sorry sweetie." Barry chuckled

A loud crash interuppted the teasing causing Kara to smile, but her smiled faded when a pair of twin blue laser beams shot through the front door and hit Barry in the chest kncoking him down to his knees.

"BARRY!!!" Caitlin cried running over to him as he grunted trying to stand up

"I'm fine, i'm okay." Barry said smiling at Caitlin as she sighed in relief

"Kara, honey." A familar voice rang throughout the house

"Aunt Astra?" Kara said as tears welled up in her eyes

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