Suprises and lots of tears

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"Freshly squeezed orange juice, anything else you need help with?" Caitlin asked as Barry sped around the kitchen making breakfast 

"Nope, all good babe." He said kissing her cheek, then speed over to the couch next to Jesse watching TV 

"Dad, your pancakes are burning." Kara called coming from her room

Barry sped over and flipped the pancakes

"You good honey?" Caitlin asked Barry 

"What can i say i'm a pro at multi-tasking." He said smiling and kissing Caitlin as she smiled and kissed back, and Jesse put her hands over Kara's eyes

"Thanks" Kara said giggling

"Are they always like this?" Jesse asked 

"Pretty much, but that's why i love them so much." Kara said smiling at Barry and Caitlin as they laugh in the kitchen

'I hope one day i get to call them my parents too.' Jesse thought

"Girl's breakfast is ready." Caitlin called. As the two girls ran over the four started to eat breakfast, unlike dinner a few nights ago all four of them were laughing and talking. 

"Dad are you working today?" Kara asked 

"Not unless someone i'm needed." Barry said smiling

"Well in that case how about we go have a picnic, you know just the four of us."Caitlin suggest earning a excited nodded from Kara and Jesse 

"Sounds perfect." Barry said kissing Caitlin's temple 

Barry got up and sped cleaned the plates and table, As the girls got ready. Once he was done Caitlin and Kara came over to him still waiting for Jesse. 

"Dad, Mom can i ask you a question?" Kara asked

"Of course." 

"Are you gonna adopt Jesse?" Kara said 

"Uh would you be okay with it?" Kara took this as a yes and squealed a bit and hugged them both  

"Yay." She said pulling away 

"Calm down sweetie it's meant to be a suprise." Caitlin said smiling 

"Yeah, Mama Cecile is nearly finished with the paperwork, Jesse is a wonderful, smart and caring girl and would be an amazing big sister" Barry said smiling and Kara and Caitlin nodded rapidly

Jesse who was standing out of sight heard the whole conversation and was in tears. She would finally have someone to call Mom and Dad and even the best and sweetest little sister. She came into view still in tears. 

"Do you mean it." Jesse said in tears still. Barry looked up at her and smiled 

"Every word" She ran over and hugged him tightly and cried into his chest, Barry motion for Caitlin and Kara to join the hug and they did. Once they pulled away Jesse smiled at Barry 

"Are you guys really adopting me?" She said still in tears pulling away from the hug

"It was supposed to be a suprise but yes." Caitlin said excitedly 

"If you want us too of course." Barry said nervously

She engulfed Caitlin, Kara and Barry in and hug and nodded her head rapidly 

"The the only thing i've ever a family." She said wiping her tears, now Kara was crying happy tears seeing Jesse so happy, which led to Caitlin crying then led to Barry tearing up.

"After our picnic i'll take you to Grandpa Joe's house and you can meet my adoptive Dad and foster sister, then we'll finalize the papers." Barry said wiping his tears as Kara and Jesse nodded 

The four made there way to a local park and set up a picinic, they sat down and talked, laughed, sung and cried a little bit more. They were there for hours just enjoying the moment. When Barry got a message from Joe.

'Hey Barr, you ready?'

He smiled down at his phone 

'Born ready.' he replied 

"Joe and Cecile are ready." Barry said smiling at his new daughter 

They got up and pack up their picnic and drove to Joe's house the whole time Jesse and Kara were smiling and laughing. Once they arrived Kara ran up and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Kara" Joe said hugging his grand daughter. 

"Hi Grandpa Joe." 

"Hey Barr, Hey Caitlin." Joe said hugging them until he saw Jesse nervously standing there playing with the hem of her shirt 

"You must be Jesse." He said smiling at her. 

"Hi Mr. West." She said nervously holding out her hand for a handshake

"Nonsense your family now, and call me Grandpa Joe." He said kneeling down and hugging her she smiled and hugged back. Once they walked in they saw Iris and Cecile on the couch. 

"Hi Auntie Iris and Mama Cecile." Kara said hugging 

"Hi, honey." Iris said hugging back 

"Hi, Hun." Cecile said 

"Iris, Cecile this is Jesse." Barry said, looking at her who was standing next to him nervously 

"C'mon here sweetie." Iris said holding her arms, Jesse smiled and ran into her arms when she pulled away Cecile hugged her as well. now Jesse what Kara meant when she said that these people are a family she never knew she needed.

"Barry, Caitlin just sign here, here and here." Cecile said handing them some papers. Barry smiled widely and sign his papers in a flash while Caitlin did the same. 

"Now it's official, Welcome to the family, Jesse Allen." Cecile said smiling at Jesse

"Thank you so much Cecile." Caitlin said hugging her 

Jesse started crying and ran into Barry and Caitlin's arms, Kara walked over and hugged her as well 

"Is it okay if i call you Mom and Dad?" Jesse asked as she looked up at them 

"It's more than okay." Barry said as Caitlin nodded and wiped her tears they pulled from the hug and Kara gave Jesse a hug 

"Love you Big Sis." She said into her chest 

"Love you too Lil Sis." Jesse said smiling 

Seeing this finally cracked Barry as tears started to come down his face. 

"You four sit down and relax me, Cecile and Dad can handle dinner." Iris said wiping her tears and smiling. 

"Thanks Iris." Caitlin said 

Barry sat on the couch as Kara sat on his lap and Caitlin sat next to him and wrapped her arms around Jesse as she leaned her head on Caitlin's shoulder Barry smiled and wrapped his arm over both of their shoulders.

"I love you guys." Barry said smiling 

"I love you too Barr." Caitlin said kissing his cheek

"I love you too Dad." Kara and Jesse said in unison. Which made Barry tear up a bit and smile at his two daughters and his soon to be fiancce. 

Super Daughter - SnowbarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora