Sitting in a tree

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Barry got called into CCPD earlier than usual and Cisco needed Caitlin's help to finish his vibe goggles, so they wouldn't be home all day. Barry gave Jesse some money so she could take Kara and go to the shops or something instead of staying home all day. 

"Wanna go to the movies?" Jesse asked as her little sister nodded 

"Sure." Kara said 

As they were waiting for their movie a girl walked into Jesse and knocked her popcorn out of her hand. 

"Oh my god i'm so sorry." the girl said 

"No worries." Jesse said laughing and throwing the box in the bin

"I can buy you another box if you want?" 

"No you don't hav-" Jesse was cut off 

"Yes, please." Kara said bouncing on her feet 

"C'mon." The girl said laughing, everyone who met Kara found her adorable 

"Oh, my name is Alyssa Sampson by the way." She said 

"My name is Jesse Allen." Jesse said smiling noticing how pretty Alyssa was 

"My name is Kara." Kara said smiling 

"Nice to meet you Jesse and Kara." Alyssa said laughing 

The three talked as they waited in line for the popcorn. 

"Thanks you didn't have to buy me another popcorn." Jesse said laughing 

"I kinda did and i couldn't say no to Kara." Alyssa said smiling at her 

"She gets that a lot" Jesse said laughing

One of the tv's in the lobby of the cinama showed The Flash saving people from a building fire. Kara and Jesse smiled at their father's heroics.

"I always admired The Flash, you know running around the city saving people not even for the glory but because that's who he is." Alyssa said smiling at the tv

"Me too, i bet his family is always worried about him though." Kara said speaking from experience 

"Yeah." Jesse said smiling at Kara

"I am actually a big fan of The Flash." Alyssa said smiling 

As they ordered and got their popcorn they made their way to the their respective theaters but turns out they were there for the same movie. 

"So are you here by yourself?" Jesse asked Alyssa 

"No, i'm actually here on a date, who is now ditching me." Alyssa said frowning. Jesse turned her head to see a blonde girl leaving the cinama with another girl 

"Don't worry you can watch it with us." Jesse said smiling as Kara nodded and Alyssa smiled at them greatfully. 

After they finshed their movie they still had some spare time to kill. 

"Do you guys wanna go to a bite to eat?" Alyssa asked. Jesse looked at Kara who nodded. 

"Sounds good." Jesse said smiling. Alyssa found Jesse's smile contagious. 

They three made there way to the cafe sat down laughed and ate their food. Since Alyssa paid for the popcorn Jesse apind for the food as they were parting ways. 

"Here's my number maybe we can hang out again sometime." Alyssa said nervously

"I'd like that." Jesse said taking the piece of paper. 

"Okay see you later, bye Jesse, bye Kara." Alyssa said waving 

"Bye bye." Kara said smiling and waving 

As Jesse and Kara were walking home, Kara saw how Jesse was still smiling. 

"Why are you still so happy?" Kara asked already knowing the answer. 

"Nothing." Jesse said nervouly 

"Jesse, Alyssa sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Kara sang making Jesse's face to turn red 

"Not a word to mom or dad." Jesse said as Kara nodded and smiled 

As they got home they saw Barry making dinner while Caitlin was on the balcony reading a book. 

"Hey girls, have fun?" Barry said hugging Kara and the Jesse 

"Yep, we even met a gir-" Kara said but was cut off by Jesse who had a red face. 

"We had a lot of fun." Jesse said smiling. Barry could sense something weird and squinted at them both 

"You met a girl didn't you." Barry said smiling as Jesse's face turned a bit redder. 

"Ye-Yeah her name is Alyssa." Jesse said stuttering a bit 

"That's great sweetie, when can i meet her?" Barry said laughing as Kara ran out to the balcony to hug her mom.

"Dad." Jesse said 

"I'm joking, i'm joking can you set the table please?" Barry said laughing as Jesse nodded and set the table. 

"Come in dinners ready." Barry said walking onto the balcony. 

The three went back inside and ate dinner as a family while Kara talking about their day she accidently metioned Alyssa and how she gave Jesse her number. 

"KARA." Jesse said as her face went really red in embarrasment and Kara covered her mouth. 

"Sorry...." Kara said innocently. Barry started to laugh and Caitlin giggled a bit

"That's great honey, glad you found someone who makes you nervous in a good way." Caitlin said smiling at her dautgher 

"Th-Thanks Mom." Jesse said 

After they ate dinner Barry and Caitlin were cleaning there plates when they saw Jesse tickling Kara for spilling the secret to quickly. 

"You think we'll get to meet her?" Barry asked 

"I hope so, Jesse deserves to have love." Caitlin said smiling and pecking Barry's lips they were kissing for a few seconds and didn't see Kara walking into the kitchen. Kara smiled and walked up to them and scared them. Caitlin squealed a bit and Barry was laughing as was Jesse from the couch.

Caitlin started to chase Kara around and eventually caught and began tickling her. Barry was still laughing from the kitchen and walked over and lift Kara on his shoulders saving her from the tickling. 

"Thanks Dad." Kara said 

"No problem sweetie, but if you scare me again i won't save you." Barry said smiling looking up at Kara as she smiled and nodded 

Barry put Kara to bed and Jesse went to bed and texted Alyssa 

'Hey, this is Jesse.' 

'Oh, hey i've been waiting' 

Jesse and Alyssa talked for a while until sleep over took her. 

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