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"Hey Barry i might of figured out a way to hide Kara from the Fort Rozz escapees." Winn said rushing over to Barry

"All ears." Barry said

"You know that knife throwing alien?" Winn said as Barry nodded

"Well he had a device that scanned for people absorbing more yellow sun radiation then others s-" Winn explained

"That's how they mistook my Kara for Supergirl." Barry said as Winn snapped his fingers

"Exactly, so anyway i made this red sun braclet that'll dampen Kara's powers but also hide her yellow sun signiture." Winn said handing Barry a small braclet

"Thanks Winn you have no idea how this means." Barry said smiling

"No worries, now go, your daughter needs you." Winn said as Barry nodded and sped back over to Kara's apartment.


"No fair you cheated" Kara Allen said pouting and putting her UNO cards on the table as Mon-El laughed victoriously

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Mon-El said laughing

"You cheated." Kara said leaning back in her chair and pouting

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Mon-El, she's twelve just drop it." Kara Danvers chuckled sitting back down next to him

"Hey!!, i'm nearly thirteen." Kara said still pouting

"I could go all day sister." Mon-El said standing up as Kara Allen stood up as well

"Having fun?" Barry asked speeding back in as Mon-E quickly sat back down and laughed nervously

"Of course Mr. Barry- i mean just Barry- i mean Barry." Mon-El said nervously

"Kara? were you being mean?" Barry asked as Kara shook her head

"Kara?" Barry asked raising his eye brow

"But he cheated." Kara whined pointing at Mon-El

"Jesse and Alyssa cheat all the time in UNO, you just never see it." Barry chuckled

"Really?!" Kara whined even more

"Sweeite it's just a card game." Barry said laughing and kissing the top of her head

"How'd it go with Winn?" Kara Danvers asked as Barry smiled

"He gave me this." Barry said holding up the red sun braclet

"What's that." Kara asked pointing

"A red sun braclet." Barry said 

"It can mask your yellow sun signiture, essentially hiding you from the aliens." Barry explained

"But if i wear that i'll lose my powers." Kara said sadly

"I know sweetie, i'm not forcing you to wear this but i want you too, i don't want you to be hunted for the rest of your life." Barry said kneeling to her level

"Fine...." Kara said holding out her hand and letting Barry put the braclet on

"Thanks sweeite, i'm really proud of you, not even i could give up my powers like that." Barry said wiping her stray tear

"You'll protect me, right?" Kara asked looking up at him

"Until my last breath" Barry said bringing Kara into a tight hug as she sobbed into his shirt

"But i don't want you to die." Kara said crying more into his shirt

"I know, but if it means you can live, then so be it." Barry said rubbing her back

"But you promised you'll never leave me." Kara said looking at him

"I'll always be with you Kara, where ever, when ever i am, i'll always be right here." Barry said pointing to her heart

"And you'll never be alone ever again, you'll have Jesse, Alyssa, Caitlin, Frost, Dawn and even Krypto." Barry said kissing her forehead

"I promised you that you would never be alone and i intend to keep that promise." Barry said smiling

"But i don't wanna live a life without you in it." Kara said with her eyes threating to let more tears go

"I know, me neither, you've changed my life in so many ways, and know that i'll always love you Kara." Barry said letting a tear slide down his face

"I love you too Dad." Kara said letting the tears flow. By now Kara Danver and Mon-El were also crying for no apparent reason

"I wish i had a Dad like that." Mon-El said 

"Believe me we all do." Kara Danvers said smiling

"Can we go home now?" Kara asked as Barry smiled and nodded

"Sure sweeite, go say bye to Kara and Mon-El" Barry said as Kara nodded and wiped away her tears

"Bye Kara." Kara said giving her a hug

"Bye mini Supergirl" Kara said hugging back and lifting her up

"Bye Kara and i'm sorry for cheating in UNO" Mon-El said smiling

"Bye Mon-El and it's okay." Kara said giving Mon-El a hug and running back over to her father

"Say thank you to Winn again for me." Barry said waving and opening up a breach

"Don't worry we will , be safe and don't be afraid to contact us if you ever need help with this little one." Kara said smiling and waving

Barry opened the breach and hopped through with Kara holding his hand, they breached onto the front porch of their house

"We're home." Barry said smiling as Kara excitedly knocked on the door. The y heard shuffling of feet and the door swung open and saw Jesse standing there

"Hi Jesse." Kara said rocking back and forth as Jesse quickly pulled her into a hug

"I missed you." Jesse said smiling

"Me too." Kara said hugging her as tightly as her little arms would allow her

"Hi Dad." Jesse said giving him a hug as well

"Hey Jess." Barry said smiling

"Mom is waiting on you two." Jesse said opening the door wider

"Cait?" Barry called into the house

"Barry?" Caitlin asked he smiled as she ran inot his arms

"Hey babe." Barry said kissing her temple

"You find what you were looking for?" She asked

"Not exactly." Barry sighed

"But Winn did make Kara a red sun braclet to hide her presence." Barry said as Caitlin nodded and frowned a little

"Really, but she won't have her powers." She said looking over and seeing Kara on Alyssa's back as Krypto tried to lick her

"Yeah, but i will protect her no matter what." Barry said smiling at her as Kara giggled and Krypto kept licking her.

"Do you really cheat in UNO?" Kara asked Jesse and Alyssa who avoidined eye contact fearing that they would be caught in Kara's famous puppy dog look.

"Fine..." Jesse said looking at Kara

"We do sometimes." Alyssa admitted

"I will get you back." Kara said pouting

"KarBar, don't be like that." Jesse chuckled

"I'll forgive you this time because you got me a present from Paris." Kara sighed. Jesse and Alyssa high fived as Barry and Caitlin laughed from the kitchen.

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