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"Bye, Mom and Dad, have fun." Jesse said hugging her parents

"Bye, Jess take care of your sister." Barry said as Jesse nodded

"Bye Alyssa and take care of Jesse." Caitlin said smiling and hugging her 

"Kara, sweetie don't cry, we're only gonna be gone for 5 days and plus your gonna have your big sisters with you" Caitlin said hugging her

"I know, but i love you mom and dad." Kara said wiping her tears 

"We love you too Kara." Barry said hugging her as well.

"Remember worse case scenario, call me and i'll speed right over, okay." Barry said hugging Alyssa and Jesse one more time

"We know but we won't need to because we're mature people now go have fun." Alyssa said 

Barry and Caitlin decided to go on their honeymoon to Europe today and flew there like normal people instead of Barry speeding them there, which everyone found stupid. Now at the loft was just Jesse, Alyssa, Kara and Krypto and occasionally Joe or Iris would drop by to check on the girls.

"KarBar, don't cry." Jesse said hugging Kara

"This is the longest time i've gone without Mom or Dad." Kara said sniffling

"I know it's gonna be hard but you have us and Krypto and you'll never been lonely." Alyssa said smiling at Kara and wiping her tears. Kara nodded and smiled

"I need to walk Krypto and yes Kara you can come." Jesse said smiling as Kara ran to get his leash

During their walk they talked and laughed while Kara just looked for butterflies and they ended up in Central City park and sat on a bench while Kara played with Krypto.

"You know it's gonna be our six month anniversery soon." Alyssa said to Jesse 

"Yep, i and i can't wait." Jesse said kissing her 

"Kara, come on we're going home." Alyssa yelled as Kara and Krypto ran over 

"Can i walk him?" Kara asked as Jesse nodded and handed Kara the leash, but it was a bad idea because every time Krypto stopped Kara would refuse to pull on his leash on little to get him walking again and she would also get distracted by butterflies along the way.

"I love you Kara, but damn you have a short attetion span." Jesse said smiling and unlocking the door. 

"No i don't." Kara said crossing her arms and pouting 

"It was meant to be a 15 minute walk back here from the park but it took us 30 minutes." Alyssa said laughing 

"It's my fault Krypton has no butterflies." Kara said still pouting

"Kara, can you help me make lunch and Jesse can you get Krypto's lunch" Alsyssa said from the kitchen 

"Yes ma'am." Jesse joked fake saluting 

"What are we making, boss." Kara said running over 

"Well i'd thought i let you decided." Alyssa said smiling as Kara walked over and grabbed a recipe book.

"How about this?" Kara said 

"Jesse, you want nachos?" Alyssa called 

"Sounds good." Jesse called back 

Kara and Jesse made the nachos for the three of them and fed Krypto and watched movies when there was a knock on the door.

"It's auntie Iris." Kara said running to the door and opening it.

"Hey Kara." Iris said hugging her 

"Hey, Aunt Iris." Jesse said huggin her as well

"You must be Alyssa." Iris said hugging her as well 

"Yup." Alyssa said nodding 

"I saw you at the rehearsal dinner." Iris said 

"Yeah, Barry and Caitlin are letting me stay here because my parents kicked me out of the house for being gay." Alyssa said 

"Oh, i'm so sorry to hear that." Iris said putting her hand on Alyssa's shoulder

"Don't worry the Allen family is 10000x better than any other family." Alyssa said smiling at Jesse

"Amen to that." Iris said

"So have you guys had lunch yet?" 

"Yep, we just made nachos." Kara said smiling

"If you guys keep eating like that, by the time your mom and dad return you're gonna be doubled in size." Iris said laughing 

"Well Kara can't actually gain weight." Jesse said 

"Which i totally am jealous of." Alyssa added as Kara laughed

"Well now that i'm here why don't we have sort of a girls night." Iris said as Alyssa and Jesse agreed

"Dad says i'm too young." Kara said frowning

"Well your dad is currently half-way across the world, so i say go for it." Iris said as Kara smiled

The four plus Krypto sat on the couch and had a girls night when they got a face time call from Barry and Caitlin

"Hey Mom and Dad." Jesse said entering another room

"Hey, Jess." Barry said smiling

"How's Kara doing?" Caitlin asked 

"Well the first few hours she was pretty sad, now she is perfectly fine." Jesse said smiling and noticing Barry's frown 

"Kara used to my little girl and now she's all grown up." Barry said choking on his tears 

"Really Dad you're crying because Kara can go a few days without." Jesse said laughing 

"Don't worry Barr, she will always be our will girl." Caitlin said kissing her temple

"I know, but eventually she'll get a boyfriend or girlfriend and then she'll get married and have children." Barry said wiping his tears as Jesse laughed at him

"Jesse, who are you talking too?" Kara asked

"Hi, Kara." Caitlin said as Kara ran to the laptop 

"Hey, Mom and Dad." Kara said excitedly as she sat on Jesse's lap 

"How you doing sweetie?" Barry asked 

"I'm good now because Auntie Iris is here." Kara said smiling 

"That's good we just wanted to make sure you guys were okay." Caitlin said smiling at them

"Don't worry mom and dad were fine now enjoy your holiday." Jesse said 

"Say hi to Iris and Alyssa for us." Barry said waving 

"Don't worry we will" Kara said as Jesse ended the call.

They went back over to Iris and Alyssa and continued their girls night at the end of the night Iris had left and Kara went to bed and left Jesse and Alyss by themselves and them being them made out on the sofa and fell asleep in eachothers arms and Kara came out of her room half-way through the night and covered them in a blanket as she and Krypto went back to her room.

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