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After their fun day out they all went back to their respective apartments and fell asleep. Kara woke up and looked out her window and saw snow. She got up and looked closer and smiled this is her first time seeing it snow. Barry walked in with a smile and some breakfast. 

"Merry Christmas, Sweetie" he said with a smile 

"What's Christmas" She asked 

"Well basically it's a holiday where we celebrate loved ones and give each other gifts." Barry explained 

"Really, we something similar on Krypton but we never celebrated because my mother was always working." She said frowning. Barry walked over kissed her forehead and gave her a present 

"Don't worry with me you'll never spend another holiday alone" He said warmly smiling at Kara who nodded 

"Here you go." He handed her a present. She smiled and opened it. It was a silver braclet that said 'Always and Forever' on it. 

"Thanks Dad i love it." She said with a smile that quickly turned into a frown 

"Hey, what's wrong." 

"It's just that i didn't get you anything." Kara said still frowning. Barry chuckled and sat next to her

"Kara, sweetie the only thing i expect from you is for you to be happy, and besides you being here is the only gift i need." Barry said hugging Kara, Kara hugged back and nodded 

"Here eat your breakfast, we're going to Grandpa Joe's house for Christmas." Barry said and Kara nodded happily for the first time she wasn't spending a holiday alone. 

After she was done eating they went over to Joe's house and knocked. Iris opened the door 

"Hi Barr, Hey Kara." Iris said with a big smile 

"Hey Iris"  

"Hey auntie Iris." Kara said hugging her. 

"C'mon in Cecile and Joe are waiting." Iris said 

They three walked over to Joe and Cecile Kara instantly ranover and hugged them both as they handed Kara a present each she smiled and apologized for giving them presents. 

"Kara, there's no need to apologize you being here is enough." Joe said smiling at Kara. Kara laughed a bit and nodded 

"Dad said the same thing." 

"Well you two are very similar." Cecile said laughing. 

Kara smiled at the two and opened her presents. Until there was a knock at the door. 

"I'll get it" Barry yelled and opened the door to reveal Cisco and Caitlin. 

"Hi Cisco" Kara running up and hugging him 

"Hey Kara" He hand her and Barry there presents as Barry hand Cisco his. 

"Hey Mo- Caitlin" She slipped up again 

"Hey honey" She said smiling down and Kara and handing her a present 

"Thank you" She said walking back to Joe and Cecile. 

"Please tell me you heard her nearly call me 'Mom'" Caitlin said as she walked in 

"I did, but what's wrong with that." Barry said

"Nothing, in fact i'm happy, i've always wanted a daughter and she is the sweetest girl in the world." Caitlin said smiling at her 

"I know, and you'll be a wonderful mother." Barry said 

After a few hours of talking, laughing, singing and drinking (except Kara) there was another knock on the door. So Kara hopped up and opened the door. 

"Grandpa Henry." She yelled as she jumped in his arms. 

"Hey Dad." Barry said 

"Hey kiddo, Hey slugger." Henry said entering the house and handing Kara and Barry there presents. 

"Thank you Grandpa Henry." Kara said smiling at him. 

"Thanks Dad." Barry said hugging his Father. 

Everyone was sitting around the fireplace sharing stories and laughing with eachother. Barry got up and walked to the kitchen to get a refill and Caitlin got up and stood next to him. 

"Hey Cait." 

"Hey Barr" She said as she kissed him

"Not that i'm complaining but what was that for." Barry said as he smirked 

"I just want you to know how much i love you." Caitlin said staring into Barry's eyes 

"Cait, words can't express how much i love you." Barry said leaning in and kissing her. They were kissing until they heard a whistle and broke apart and saw everyone looking at them. Both of them now had faces redder than Barrys suit 

"Uhhhhhhhh" Joe said look at them. Until he and everyone started laughing. Barry and Caitlin walked back over and sat down. Caitlin and Henry were talking on how he could get his medical licence back. Kara yawned and laid her head on Barry's lap as he stroked her hair. 

"You tired?" Barry asked Kara who nodded 

"Wanna go home?" He asked and she nodded again 

"Okay." He got up they both said their goodbyes and left. Barry picked her up and sped her into an unfamiliar loft 

"Dad, where are we?" Kara asked. 

"Well this is one more present. I got a bigger place cause our place was a bit to small." Barry said leading her to her knew room which was a lot bigger 

"Woah, This place is awesome, thanks Dad." She said hugging him 

"No problem, now get some sleep." She nodded and went to bed 

"Goodnight Kara, love you." He said kissing her forehead 

"Goodnight Dad, Love you too." She said yawning. 

He chuckled and turned the light off and went to bed and thought about te future.

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