Fun day out

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Barry woke up before Caitlin and Kara and wanted to make them breakfast. Caitlin woke up and saw a shirtless Barry cooking pancakes, she walked over and wrapped her arms around his torso and rest her face on his back. 

"You didn't have to make breakfast." Caitlin said still clearly tired 

"Yes i did now go wake up Kara breakfast will be ready." Barry said as he turned around and kissed her forehead and Caitlin nodded 



"Ummm last night when you were asleep Kara came and said 'goodnight Dad' and kissed your forehead and she nearly called me 'Mom'" Caitlin admitted 

"That's great news" Barry said smilling 

"Yeah it is...... but my own mother was cold and distant to me what if i can't be the mother that Kara needs" Caitlin said a bit scared 

"Hey, look at me your are the most caring, loving, patient and kind person, you'll be a wonderful mother to Kara" Barry said kissing her forehead 

"Thanks, Barr that meant a lot." 

"Morning Dad, Morning Caitlin." Kara said walking into the kitchen 

"Morning sweetie" He said placing down a plate of choclate chip pancakes 

"Morning Kara." Caitlin said sitting down next to Kara 

The three ate their breakfast and talked, suddenly Barry started to sing 'Summer lovin'. Caitlin and Kara looked at each other and started to sing along with him. After they were done singing they started laughing with each other 

"Why did you suddenly start singing." Caitlin asked 

"I don't know, i just thought it would be fun." Barry said 

"Also Kara i didn't know you had a such a beautiful voice." Caitlin said as Kara blushed a bit 

"Thanks i don't really like singing in front of people." Kara said as she fiddle with her glasses. Barry chuckled and kissed the top of her head. 

"Well i have a day off from work so why don't the three of us go out and have some fun?" Barry suggested. Caitlin and Kara looked at each other and nodded 

"Let's go" Caitlin said and Kara nodded 

After everyone was ready they walked over to an arcade because they were all children at heart. Once there Caitlin, Kara and Barry had a blast and one heaps of tickets due to Kara and Barry's powers. Kara got a small flash plushie and refused to let go of it, Caitlin got a bubble blower and Barry got a small flash ring. They went to the cinama's and watch a muscial that Barry and Kara wanted to see because they loved musicals. After the cinamas they went to a near by diner and ate lunch. Caitlin suggest they go the beach and Kara and Barry nodded and they walked to the beach all while enjoying each others company. As Barry sat down on the grass and looked at the sun set, Kara sat inbetween his legs and rest her head on his chest, While Caitlin rested her head on Barry's shoulder and his arm snaked around her waist and he rested his head on hers. He smiled at the two most important peope in his life and teared up a bit. 

"Hey Barr why are you crying." Caitlin asked and Kara looked up at him 

"Nothing it's just i love you both so much." He said with a smile. 

"I love you too Dad." Kara said hugging him 

"I love you too Barr." She said also hugging him. He hugged them both and smile 

He had never been happier, neither had Caitlin, neither had Kara

Super Daughter - Snowbarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें