The Fastest Man Alive

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A few days after Barry's return, Savitar finally made his first move after all these months. Savitar watched and monitered the Allen family from a far waiting and preparing to strike, since his last encounter with them didn't go so well and he ended up losing an arm Savitar called for some assistance. Eobard Thawne.

"Where am i?" Thawne questioned as he looked around and saw Savitar out of his suit standing in the shadows.

"I didn't free you from the speedforce to ask questions." Savitar said dangerously low

"Then why did you?" Thawne asked

"To kill Sonic and Velocity." Savitar said as Thawne smirked

"Ahh, finally the twin speedsters have risen." Thawne said chuckling evily

"But under no circumstance are you to engage The Flash, he's mine." Savitar said walking away

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it, i'm his rival, his reverse, not you." Thawne yelled as Savitar stopped walking

"I know that already." Savitar said flashing directly infront of Thawne at blinding speeds

"I will kill Barry Allen, any issues with that?" Savitar said vibrating his hand towards Thawne's chest

"Not at all." Thawne said in shock from seeing Savitar's true identity

"Good, we'll engage them tomorrow." Savitar said flashing away and back into his suit

Caitlin woke up with a huge smile on her face as she opened her eyes and saw her husband sleeping there peacfully

"I'm so glad you're back." She whispered kissing his cheek

"So am i." He said kissing Caitlin's forehead.

"Your beard is really long." Caitlin said laughing

"Yeah, apparently there's no shaving allowed in the speedforce." Barry said laughing before flashing away and returning with a freshly trimmed beard.

"All better" Barry said sliding back into bed

"I can't express how much i missed you, Barr." Caitlin said smling as Barry kissed her

"The only thing that kept me sane during all those years in isolation was, you." Barry said smiling at her

"I love you Barr." She said wiping her tears

"I love you too Cait." Barry said kissing her that quickly turned into a passionate make out session. 

"Morning Mom and Da-" Jesse said walking into the room with Kara and Alyssa holding breakfast only to be greeted with there parents half-naked and making out.

"Oh my god." Alyssa said standing in front of Kara with her hands over her eyes, quickly blocking her vision and saving her innocence

"Okay, not what i was expecting." Jesse said covering them both with her hands

"Sorry, guys." Barry said laughing a bit emabarrsed as Caitlin was fully red from emabarrasment.

"C'mon Cait it wasn't that bad." Barry said laughing as everyone shook there head

"I would prefer it if i walked in here and didn't see my parents making out half-naked." Jesse said still with her hands over them

"Well you could knock." Barry said laughing

"Sorry Jess." Caitlin managed to say as Barry chuckled and kissed her temple before speeding them both into clothes

"Better?" He asked as Alyssa nodded

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