Mamma Frost

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"Frost?" Caitlin asked as she rested her head on Barry's chest who was still asleep


"Are you ready to meet my...your.....our daughters today?" Caitlin asked 

"Caity, they'll just see me as your other half nothing more nothing less." Frost said sadly

"To quote the great Joe West 'someone who abandons family, ain't apart of mine'" Caitlin said smiling

"You really think they'll accept me?" Frost asked

"Of course they will." Caitlin said smiling

"Frost, if your worried about how our daughters will react to you, you are sorely mistaken" Barry said smiling as her

"Sorry, Barr i didn't mean to wake you." Caitlin said kissing him

"Well you weren't excatly whispering." He said laughing

"Sorry" She said kissing his cheek

"Frost i'm letting you take control, so don't do anything stupid." Caitlin said 

"Okay, but no promises i've only been alive for a few weeks." Frost said as Caitlin's hair turned white and her eyes turned into an icey white colour

"Morning handsome." Frost said smirking and making circles on Barry's chest with her finger

"Frost, what did i say about flirting with Barry." Caitlin said sternly in Frost's mind

"Calm down Caity, i'm just messing with you." Frost said laughing

"Just leave my husband out of your jokes." Caitlin said sighing as Frost got out of bed.

It had been a few weeks since Frost's initial apperance and since then Barry and Caitlin had been teaching her on how to act like a normal human and they decided to introduce Frost to Kara, Jesse and Alyssa.

"I don't know if i can do this." Frost said nervously hiding behind Barry

"Calm down, they're gonna love you." Barry said smiling as Frost gripped his shirt tighter

Barry and Frost walked down the stairs and were greeted with Jesse and Alyssa in a heated arguement

"Check you math, your calculations don't make any sense." Alyssa said pointing to a piece of paper.

"They do if you factor in the extra toppings." Jesse defened as Kara sat on one of the bar stools smiling

"Hey, hey girls why are you fighting?" Barry asked as Frost hid behind him

"We're having a structed debate on how many tacos a speedster would need to eat a day in order to maintain their glucose level." Alyssa said handing Barry a piece of paper

"It wasn't a structued debate as much as it a was an arguement." Barry said laughing as he examined the piece of paper full of calculations

"I hate to say it but the math says Jesse is right." Barry said chuckling and putting the piece of paper on the table

"Ha, told you." Jesse said triumphantly

"You better watch it Allen." Alyssa said pointing her finger at Jesse who smiled and sped off.

Barry sighed and waited for his daughters to return. Kara was to busy laughing to see Frost. Moments later they both sped back in.

"Dad, where's Mom?" Jesse asked as Alyssa walked over to the fridge

"So you too are arguing one minute then your back to normal the next?" Barry said laughing as Frost cleared her throat.

"Nevermind." He said

"Anyway girls, i have something to tell you." Barry said as Kara, Alyssa and Jesse looked at him and the noticed Frost

"Hey Mom, i like the new hair." Jesse said walking over and hugging her as Frost pulled back a little

"Mom? What's wrong." Jesse asked as Frost sighed

"I'm not you mother." She said 

"Biologically speaking, then no you aren't" Alyssa said confused

"No, i meant i'm not Caity, i'm not Caitlin Allen." Frost admitted as the girls looked at her in shock

"This might take some explain." Barry said scratching the back of his neck

"Okay, so bascially a few weeks ago we discover that your Mom is a meta-human." Barry said as the girls listened in

"Caitlin can't use her powers but her other half can. Or as me and Cait call her 'Frost'" Barry said motioning to Frost

"And her and Frost share a body so when one is in control the other is in the 'back seat'" Barry explained

"So can Mom hear us?" Kara asked as Frost nodded

"This family is so weird." Alyssa said as Frost frowned

"But awesome." Alyssa said smiling as she ran over to Frost

"Nice to meet you." Frost said holding out her hand as Alyssa ignored it and hugged her. As Alyssa pulled away Jesse and Kara ran over and hugged her as well

"Told you they would love you" Caitlin said smiling as Frost nodded

"Thanks for believing in me, Caity." Frost said smiling as the girls looked at her in confusion

"I forgot to mention Frost and Caitlin have a telepathic and empathic bond." Barry said Kara made a confused face

"Bascially they can talk to each other in their minds and feel eachother's emotions." Jesse explain as Kara smiled and nodded

"I also have all of Caity's memories." Frost added

"What are your powers? Besides killing it with that white hair." Alyssa said smiling as Frost smiled and picked up a glass fo water. She held the bottom with her hand and began to freeze it.

"That's so cool, you have ice powers" Kara said excitedly jumping up and down

"KarBar, her name is Frost what were you expecting." Jesse said laughing as realisation hit Kara

"Ohhhhhhh" Kara said as Frost chuckled

"That's so cool, Mom." Kara said smiling as Frost made a confused face

"No, no, Caity is your Mom, i'm just her other half." Frost explained

"Nope." Barry, Kara, Alyssa and Jesse said

"Nope" Caitlin said along with them

"What do mean 'nope'?" Frost asked

"You aren't just her other half." Alyssa exlpained

"But your also like her sister and now like another Mom." Kara said excitedly

"We may not know you but that doesn't mean we aren't gonna consider you family." Jesse said smiling as Frost teared up a little. She had so many memories of Kara, Jesse and Alyssa but they were all Caitlin's and it meant the world to Frost that she herself had made memories with them.

"Look at that, they managed to make you cry." Caitlin teased as Frost wiped her tears

"Shut up, Caity." Frost said as everyone laughed

"I'm giving you control" She said as her hair turned back to brown and her eyes went back to normal

"Morning Mom." Kara said hugging her 

"Morning sweetie." Caitlin said smiling

"Tell the girls to not expect a 'morning sweetie' and a forehead kiss from me" Frost said in as Caitlin laughed

"Okay you big softie." Caitlin teased smiling

"Caitlin can you check these calculations?" Alyssa asked handing her a piece of paper

"Alyssa." everyone said sighing

"What, i needed to make sure 110% i'm wrong before i admit defeat." She said defending herself as everyone laughed at her.

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