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During their one week trip to Argo City, Greg Sampson had officially disowned Alyssa and even though she chose the Allen family over her own it stll broke her heart it had been 2 days since.

"Hey Alyssa, how are you doing?" Barry asked walking into her room and leaning on the door frame

"Even though i don't like them, why does it still hurt?" Alyssa said through tears as Barry hugged her 

"It's going to get better i promise." Barry said rubbing her back 

"How do you know?" She said 

"Because you still have people who love you, never forget that." Barry said smiling

"And i wanted to asked you something." Barry said pulling away from the hug

"sure go ahead." She said wiping her tears

"Can me and Cait become your legal guradians?" Barry asked much to Alyssa shock

"I can't ask that of you, you already gave me a home for 6 months." Alyssa said in suprise 

"Alyssa, Kara considers you her big sister, your Jesse's girlfriend and you're a speedster. Trust me you're family i just want your permission to make it official instead of your going into the foster system." Barry said putting a hand on her shoulder 

"Does Jesse know?"

"Actually it was her idea." Barry said

Alyssa ran out of the room and straight to Jesse and gave her a hug

"Thank you." Was all she could say

"For?" Jesse asked 

"For being the best girlfriend in the universe and for eveything you've done for me." Alyssa said smiling 

"And i'd do it again in a heartbeat." Jesse said smiling as Alyssa brought her into a kiss 

"So i'm assuming it's a yes?" Barry asked Alyssa nodded her head again and hugged Barry

"Thank you for everything." Alyssa said into his chest

Barry motioned for Jesse to join and she did and they hugged for a bit until Barry broke apart

"I already have the paperwork all i need is your signiture because you're 18 and then it'll be official." Barry said smiling he handed her the papers and then Kara and Caitlin came downstairs with a cake. Alyssa smiled and hugged them both before signing.

"Thank you for being the best little sister ever." Alyssa said hugging Kara

"No problem, you and Jesse are the best." Kara said jumping up and down

"No need to thank me." Caitlin said as Alyssa engulfed her in a hug as well

"Too bad, you are the best mum in the world." Alyssa said as Caitlin smiled 

"Can i keep my lastname?" Alyssa asked 

"It would be weird not being married to my girlfriend but also having the same lastname as her." Alyssa said nervously

"It's okay." Jesse said handing her a pen. Alyssa smiled and kiss her cheek she walked back over to the papers and signed every single one without hesitation once they were signed Jesse brought her into another passionate kiss as everyone smiled at them.

"How can i ever repay you guys?" Alyssa asked wiping her tears

"You being happy." Caitlin and Barry said at the same time

"All we ask of you is to love Jesse and be loyal to her." Barry said 

"Don't have to tell me twice." She said as she brought her into another kiss

"Okay, enough kissing i want cake." Kara said clapping her hands together

"Oh, wait hold on." Barry said holding up his finger as he sent a text as he did that everyone came through the front door Joe, Cecile, Iris, Cisco, Kamilla, Henry and Carla came through and hugged Alyssa one by one. She talked and officially met the West Family and they loved her much to her suprise.

everyone laughed, talked and had a blast and then cut a slice of cake for themselves. Even though Alyssa would never forget the good memories with her old family and never forget what they've done for her she'll always love this family with all her heart. When the party died down and everyone left leaving just the Allen family Alyssa brought Jesse into another room and took a deep breath.

"Hey, everything okay, why'd you bring me here?" Jesse asked a nervous Alyssa

"You aren't gonna kill me, are you?" Jesse joked making Alyssa smile

"I just wanted to say how much i love and cherish you." Alyssa said smiling

"Alyssa, you know there's no need to tell me i how much you love me and you know how much i love you." Jesse said smiling and kissing Alyssa

"And i also wanted to give you this." Alyssa said pulling a ring from her pocket.

"Don't worry it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring." Alyssa said smiling and handing the ring to Jesse who smiled widely and put it on her index finger.

"And what is your promise?" Jesse asked smiling

"I promise you Jesse Allen, that i will always love you and nothing will ever change that." Alyssa said bringing tears to Jesse's eyes as she smiled widely. Jesse sped out of the room and back in with a smililar ring in her hand and gave Alyssa the ring.

"And i promise you Alyssa Sampson that i'll love you no matter what even when i die." Jesse said as Alyssa started crying as well they both shared a passionate kiss and pulled away still resting their foreheads together.

"You know, one day i wanna change to your last name." Jesse said wiping her tears

"Why, what's wrong with my last name." Alyssa said laughing

"Nothing, i just thought Alyssa Allen has a nice ring to it." Jesse said as Alyssa blushed furiously.

"Really, you think we'll get married?" Alyssa asked playing with her fingers

"I don't think so. I know so." Jesse said smiling as Alyssa looked back up and smiled.

They walked back into the living room and saw Kara asleep on Caitlin's lap, while Caitlin was rested on Barry's chest. Alyssa smiled and wrapped a blanket around them.

"Goodnight guys, love you." Jesse said kissing each one of their foreheads before heading to bed with Alyssa.

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