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Barry woke up and saw Caitlin next to him and he smiled thinking about their future. He got up without waking her up and went downstairs. 

"Morning Dad." Jesse said from the kitchen even though it had been two months since he adopted her he still smiles when she calls him Dad

"Morning honey, do you know where your sister is?" He said kissing the top of her head 

"Uhh over there." Jesse said pointing behind him to see Kara walking towards them 

"Good i need to tell you both something." Barry said 

"Are we getting a dog!!." Kara asked excitedly 

"Not yet sweetie, but i'm gonna ask Caitlin to marry me." Barry said pulling out a beautiful diamond ring. Jesse and Kara looked at the ring then englufed Barry in a hug 

"That's great Dad," Jesse said grinning

"Good luck, Dad." Kara said smiling 

"Thanks, you think you two can spend some time at Grandpa Joe's tonight?" Barry asked 

"Sure, can you text us when Mom says yes." Jesse said 

"If" Barry said 

"Not 'if' 'when'" Kara said smiling at him and Jesse just smiled at him 

"Thanks honey." He said kissing her head 

Caitlin woke up and walked downstairs to see Barry, Kara and Jesse talking and laughing 

"Hey guys." Caitlin said walking in and kissing the girls cheeks and Barry's lips

Kara was practically bouncing in excitement so Jesse had to lead her to living room so she wouldn't accidently blurt it out. 



"Date night in the loft tonght?" Barry asked trying to hide his nervousness but to no avail 

"Sure, Barr why are you so nervous we've been dating for 7 months and we have a family, oh and what about Kara and Jesse" Caitlin said laughing 

"Well you make me nervous and they agreed to stay at Joe's" Barry said kissing her temple 

"Okay, what should i wear and what time?" 

"Anything i'm sure you'll look beautiful and how about 7." Barry said kissing her neck 

"Calm down Mr. Allen your daughters are over there." She said blushing 

"Okay, i gotta head to CCPD soon." He said laughing

"Really, why so early?" Caitlin pouted

"I don't know criminals never take a day off." Barry said 

Barry and Caitlin ate breakfast while Jesse and Kara watched tv. 

"Alright i gotta go, Love you" he said pecking Caitlin's lips

"Okay, see you tonight, love you too." Caitlin said 

Barry walked over to his daughters and kissed the top of their heads. 

"Bye girls love you." Barry said putting his coat on 

"Bye Dad love you." Kara said getting up and hugging him 

"Good luck Dad love you too." Jesse said 

"Thanks Jess." Barry said as he sped over to CCPD 

"Hey guys are you going to be okay by yourselves?" Caitlin asked as she walked over to her daughters. 

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