Moving In

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Kara woke up and noticed Barry was still asleep and she decided to make Barry breakfast because he makes breakfast every morning. Barry woke up and saw Kara walk in with a tray of food and coffee and placed it in front of him. He smiled and look at Kara 

"Well you make me breakfast every morning so i thought i would make you breakfast" She said happily 

"Thanks sweetie" He said kissing her forehead and for motioning her to sit next to him and she did. 

"Kara i wanted to ask you something." Barry said eating his breakfast. 

"Sure, what's up" 

"Well i know me and Caitlin haven't been dating long, but i was going to ask her to move in here with us but i wanted your approval before i asked." 

"That's an awesome idea, Dad" She said as she kissed his cheek

"Thanks, Also i noticed how you nearly called Cait 'Mom'" Barry said 

"I know, it's just my mother barely spent any time with me and was barely home and Caitlin was there with you when i woke up and she makes me feel loved and you are my Dad and you two are dating it's just......" She trailed of fiddling with her thumbs 

"You know you can tell me anything." Barry said rubbing her back 

"It's just what if she doesn't want to be my Mom" She said with tears in her eyes. Barry pulled into a hug as she cried into his chest 

"Kara, i can guarantee that Caitlin wants to be your mother, it's just Caitlin and her mother had a bad relationship and she's scared she might hurt you." barry said rubbing her hair. Kara sniffled a bit 

"Really." She asked 

"Caitlin loves you just as much as i do and i know you love her too." Barry said wiping her tears and Kara nodded as Barry finished his breakfast. 

"Thanks for breakfast sweetie." He said kissing her temple   

"When are you gonna ask Caitlin to move in with us?" 

"I was going to ask when we got to STAR Labs." Barry said as he and Kara made there way downstairs 

As they finish cleaning up he sped them both to the Cortex and saw Cisco at his desk but no Caitlin. 

"Hey have you seen Cait i need to ask her something." 

"No, i thought she was with you." Cisco said smirking a bit 

"Oh okay we'll just wait then." He and Kara pulled up chairs and began to moniter the city. Barry's heart dropped when he got a text from Joe saying there was a break in at Caitlin's address and she's missing. Kara noticed his expression. 

"What's wrong Dad." Kara asked 

"It's Cait........She's been kidnapped." As soon as that sentence left his mouth both Kara and Cisco's hearts dropped as far as Barry's

They were searching the city with the satillite and Barry was sweeping the city. A few hours had gone by and still no new leads until there was a video broadcasted across Central City. 

"Flash if you ever want to see this woman alive again come here alone."  The kidnapper said as the feed cut off

"Dad, take me with you." 

"No, Kara it's way to dangerous." 

"Dad, i can help, i have super powers as well." Barry saw the determination in her eyes  he knew he wasn't going to change her mind so against his better judgement he let her come. 

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