Heroes Rise

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Five months. It had been five months since Barry left Central City and entered the speedforce in order to gain the necessary speed boost to defeat Savitar. But for Barry he had been in the speedforce for 500 years, just running and thinking about who he was running for. His family. 

"Barry, it's time." The speedforce said taking the form of Barry's mother.

"Time for?" He asked with a much longer beard

"Time for you to defeat Savitar and claim your rightful place as the fastest man alive." The speedforce said as Barry smiled thinking about his family

"What about my daughters, how are they?" He asked

"They have grown and developed in very noble and fearless heroes." Barry smiled and began to run, run faster then the speed of light and straight through the portal that opened in front of him.

The Allen family had to learn to live without Barry for five months.

"Jess, Lys, theres a fire a few blocks away from you guys." Kara said sitting on the desk with her legs crossed. Kara honoured her promise to her Dad and Grandfather and would wait until she was 18 until going on the field.

"Thanks, KarBar." Jesse said smiling and speeding off with Alyssa not far behind her. In the months passing Jesse took up the name 'Sonic' and Alyssa took up the name 'Velocity' thanks to Cisco they both had supersuits, Jesse asked for hers to be red in honour of The Flash while Alyssa asked for hers to be blue. Frost leant a hand every now and then as 'Killer Frost'.

"There all done." Alyssa said clapping her hands together and walking into the Cortex with Jesse behind her.

"Good job guys." Caitlin said smiling and high fiving both of her daughters

"I helped too." Kara said pouting

"You too sweetie." Caitlin said laughing and seeing Jesse looking at the mannequin that displayed Barry's old flash suit.

"Your father would be so proud of the heroes you've become." Caitlin said smiling as Kara nodded

"I know, i miss him so much." Jesse said as she wiped a few tears.

There moment was interuppted by a loud sonic boom in the distance, Caitlin looked at the moniter and saw a very high speed object speeding around the world, she hacked the cameras and saw a streak of white lightning.

"Savitar...." That was all that needed to be said before Jesse and Alyssa sped off 

"NO!" Caitlin yelled as Frost ran in

"Caity, what's wrong?" She asked as Caitlin panicked

"I think Savitar is making a move." SHe said typing on her computer as Kara curled in a ball.

"I got it." Frost said grabbing an extrapolater and breaching there.

They arrived on scene and saw white lightning dancing around someone, not a metallic figure but a man with a long beard

"Who are you?" Jesse yelled as the man turned and smiled

"Come on, Jess surely you haven't forgotten me?" He said smiling as tears came to her eyes

"Dad?......." She asked putting her hands to her mouth

"It's me Jess, Lys and Frost." He said smiling as they ran into his arms and hugged him tightly

"It's really you" Alyssa said crying

"Yup, i'm back." He said smiling then seeing there supersuits. He smiled widely and wiped away his tears

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