Fort Rozz

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"Morning Mom and Dad" Kara yawned walking into the living room with her flash plushie that she won at an arcade ages ago.

"Morning sweetie." Barry said flipping his pancake

"Guess what Kara, Jesse and Alyssa are coming home today." Caitlin said smiling as Kara shot up in excitement but dropped her flash plushie

"Really?!" Kara asked excitedly as Krypto grabbed the plushie and ran away

"No, Krypto it's not a toy." Kara said chasing him around the house. Every time Kara would get close to him Krytp would run under a chair or something, Kara was starting to get frustrated until a flash of yellow lightning sped past and suddenly her plushie was back in her hands.

"There you go." Jesse said smiling

"Jesse, you're back?!" Kara said hugging her tightly

"Kara.....too..tight." Jesse said as Kara crushed her bones

"Sorry...." Kara said smiling innocently

"Hey guys." Alyssa said speeding in as well

"Hi Lys." Kara said wrapping her in a hug as well

"Man have i missed your hugs." Alyssa said laughing and hugging Kara back

"Hi Mom and Dad." Jesse said as her parents walked over and hugged her

"Hey Jess, you guys have fun?" Caitlin asked crossing her arms and Jesse instantly knew she was talking about Sonic and Velocity's sudden apperance in Paris

"It was my idea" Alyssa said smiling

"And we were bored." Jesse added

"Really? i thought Paris would be fun?" Barry said as they shrugged there shoulders

"We went to a museum and guess what we saw." Jesse said showing Barry a photo on her phone. 

It was a photo of an ancient Eygptian vase that depicted a streak of white and light blue lightning running around one of the pyrimids and then disappearing in a blue portal

"Mind explaining." Jesse said raising an eye brow

"Okay, me and Savitar might of time travelled during our fight, but it was no big deal." Barry said holding his hands up in defence

"Oh yeah?" Alyssa said smiling as she showed him a photo she took of an ancient Japanese scroll that showed two opposing army forces seperated by a streak of white and light blue lightning

"At least we didn't change anything major." Barry said nervously

"Dad, you LITERALLY made history." Jesse chuckled

"I hope they painted my good side." Barry joked zooming in on the photo as Jesse and Alyssa both playfully punched his arm

"Bully." Alyssa said pouting as Barry chuckled

"Dad can i take Krypto on his walk?" Kara asked as Krypto wagged his tail

"Sure sweetie, i'll come with you." Barry said taking her hand

"Come on buddy." Kara said as Krypto ran to her and she put his leash on

Barry and Kara went for a walk with Krypto that was suddenly interupted by a loud crash followed by screaming

"Kara Zor-El your mother locked me away in Fort Rozz for 84 years, and you being the last daughter of Krypton shall pay for her crimes." A large man looking alien with an axe said. The axe started to glow and the man flung his axe at her, before it could hit her Barry grabbed her shoulder and phased through it.

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