She frowns once she determines the state of my location."What are you doing in this dusty, decrepit room?"

"Just looking around at books and whatnot" I shrug, taking another book off the shelf and holding it above my head.

"But us ladies are not willed to read Calla! We are meant to gossip and drink tea!" she bragged as if it was an honor. I looked into her deep brown eyes and pulled her to the side. "What if I told you there was more to life than that?"

"Curse your words, Calla"

Although I was still trying to build my relationships with the ladies; I deemed Vanessa to be a close friend. We knew each other more than I wished to having slept with Leo. I knew she could keep my secret.

"Do you know the shed that sits at the end of the perimeter?"

"Yes" she gasped, eager to hear some newfound gossip.

"I told Leo that I wanted a new library where I could read and write my letters but little does he know of my true intentions. I am building the library for you and me... for US." I whispered, lifting the books from my head down into my arms. "I call it, my school of thought!"

"But us ladies...we are forbidden from reading Calla." she tried to explain.

"I know! Which is why it is a secret" I clue her in, trusting her to keep the secret between us. Vanessa looked into my eyes and nodded, sealing her lips with an imaginary key. "I will not say a word Empress" she smirked, taking my hand into hers, "you have my word"

I smiled, relieved that I had someone other than Lizabeth to tell. She took a book from my arms, reading the title before placing it back onto the shelf. "I must be going empress" she smiled, taking her dragged steps to outside the room.

"Remember...our little secret" I called out to her. She turned around to face me once again, nodding her head in acknowledgment "Huzzah" she greeted before stepping out of the room.


A week later

Lizabeth and I get to work clearing the shed the next day, sorting through the last pieces of furniture and stray wood.

A couple of hours passed before Lizabeth and I took rest in the shade near the roof of the shed, taking comfort in the spring breeze.

"Have you told any of the other ladies?" Lizabeth asks, lifting a knee to her leg.

"I have told none of them" I admitted confidently until I remembered the meeting with Vanessa. "Well..." I smiled sheepishly. Lizabeth returned a violent glare at me. "Do not give me that look! I was too excited and it sort of slipped out."

"Who did you tell?"


"CALLA!" she yelled my name, covering her face with her palm.

"She swore her loyalty Lizabeth."

"I am afraid some may be more loyal to Leo than you" she said through a scoff.

"Oh enough Lizabeth! They respect me as much as Leo! I know the women of the court adore me. Did you not see how nice they were?" I reminded her.

"If you deem it so...than I must take your word" Lizabeth stands, helping me off my feet. "Come, let us take the last of the furniture so the men can paint" she suggested, holding out her hand so I could take it.

I clasp it into mine and we walk together, giggling and chatting about the future with a better Genovia, where women would be knowledgeable and keen.


Vanessa finally finished her ride and collapsed atop of me, kissing my chest with care. I caressed her back, pulling her closer against the warmth of my skin. She glances up to face me but I was not focused on her gaze...all I could think of was Calla. She had been running through my mind of late and I hated every minute of it.

For some reason, my mind couldn't escape her images.

Something about her was different?

Of course, the difference in her features was apparent but...something else differed. Every girl who came into my palace that was forced to be my wife was closed off and miserable but not Calla. She wore her heart on her sleeve, happy to daydream of a life beyond the norm.

"Your new wife is a fool" Vanessa cursed, snapping me out of my reflections while taking my member whole.

"Fuck Vanessa" I sighed, holding her head to steady. Although I had Calla's pussy to warm, I could not give up Vanessa or the others. I was a man who had his needs.

Plus, it didn't help that Calla was disgusted by me. She didn't say it, but I could tell by the look in her eyes she did not enjoy me.

"She is planning something" Vanessa paused, lifting her eyes to face mine.

"Who?" I ask, pushing her back to consume.

"Calla" she whispers with a mouth full of my cock.

"What is she planning? Surely not something against me?" I cursed, pushing her even deeper. She finished her skill and pulled off, kissing my lips with thirst. "She is planning a school of some sort to teach all the ladies to read and write. To be independent." she cringed at the thought.

My heart hardened as I heard her words but dismissed her report as false. "Lies"

"I would never lie to you Leo" she sat up, offended I would presume otherwise. I lifted off the bed and started to dress.

I hoped Vanessa's news was a lie...for Calla's sake.

"Is it only you who knows?"

"Yes, she told me in confidence at the library. Can you believe she thinks we're friends?" she scoffs. I forced a lazy smile and chuckled, not at Vanessa's joke but at the yielding of Calla's heart.
She was far too trusting and now, it had gotten her in trouble.

"I am done with you. You may leave" I shoo her off.


"Go!" I say through a rigid tone. Vanessa lifts herself from the covers and departs, leaving me alone to think. I needed to show Calla what happens when one went against the word of the emperor.

She would know me soon.

"Call Ystev and bring him in" I command the two guards that stood guard at my door.

A few moments pass before he enters in.

"Your majesty" he says through a humble bow. I snapped for him to stand and stare into his eyes before:


Ystev heels over pain by the shock of my blow.

"My patience is wearing thin Ystev! I have tried with her!"

"Your majesty... if you just" he sighs, holding his stomach again before bracing himself to face me. "If you just show her—"

"No!" I interjected, "I gave her a fox! I let her build her stupid library! I dressed her in the finest clothes! And what does she do to repay me? She goes behind my back and betrays me!"

"Emperor Leo...she was chosen by God" he explained yet again but I had no interest for his words, pulling his robes and scrunching them into my grip. "Your visions are nothing more than psychedelic stupors."

"I will talk to her Emperor." he says, pleading for my patience.

"You better before I do it myself Ystev and I am sure you are more than familar with how efficient my talks" I reminded him. "Do I make myself clear?" I fumed before turning to push in my crown.

"Crystal" he grumbles

"Huzzah." I say before pushing him aside to depart.

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