The next morning.

Leo sleeps like a new born cub, peaceful after nibbling the suckle of its mothers breast.
What man wouldn't?
He had the luxury of having two women pleasure him at the same time. I for one, did not enjoy it and vowed to never do it again.

Quietly, I grabbed my robe and pulled it on, tiptoeing out the room to leave, making sure not to disturb him. Just before I leave the room, I see a man who looked a little bit older than Leo in the middle of the room. He jolted awake, sitting up by my movement.

"Oh... empress" he sighed, leaning against the chair. He looks to the bed at Leo then at Vanessa. I had never met this guy but the way he looked at Vanessa, was one of adoration.

"She's your wife?" I guess, "isn't she?"

He looked at me then nodded. "Yes...10 years"

There was an uncomfortable silence as we stared at them together. After a while, I finally find my words. "How can you share her? My heart would be too selfish" I ask him.

"We must all do what we can to please the emperor. Leo is my best friend but he is our emperor first. He is our god and we must please him in whatever way we can"

I looked to him in pity and shame. If I actually loved Leo, my heart would have been heavy but I was thankful it was not.

You could tell the love he had for Vanessa by just his eyes. His heart was hearting eveyday he had to share her with the emperor but that was his personal demon to banish.


"My gun!" Leo shouted. A soilder quickly came behind him and pressed it into his palm. I stood at a distance watching Leo and his men act like barbarians. Leo had personally requested I accompany him on his little hunting adventure. I guess he remembered our escapade from last night.

I grew weary and tired of the hunt to be quite honest. Each hour that passed, the men grew more rabbid and senile, shooting at everything that passed by them whether it be a deer or elk; even the occasional bunny.

"Rabbit!" Leo yelled and 10 shots rand instantaneously. "These stupid fuckers keep getting away!" he frowned throwing his gun to the ground.

I was quite bored of all of this but I decided to join him, keen on making an effort to get closer to him. It seemed as if my plan yesterday worked so why stop?

He lifted a brow once he laid eyes on me and walked over to me, pulling me into his arms then parting my lips with his warm ones. "I really enjoyed last night" he smirked.

I laughed, pulling chuckle from the deepest depths of my stomach and nodded warmly "So did I!" I lied. He looked to one of his men screaming of seeing a bear. "You feel cold" he says turning back to face me, feeling my forehead with care.

"Just a little" I nodded. He pulled his fur coat off and draped it over me, kissing my lips with care once more.

"Better" I smile shyly, appreciation moments like this where he showed some human characteristics. Paxton tugged at my leg as we continued kissing in heat. "Paxton!" I giggled, breaking from Leo and bending down to pick him.

"Must that stupid fox come everywhere?" he scoffed, leaning against the carriage to observe the environment.

"Yes Leo. He must. I cannot for the life of me understand why you hate him so much" I frowned, lifting Paxton so he could lick his face. He smirked warmly before looking at him and pinching his cheek.
"So. What is it that you want?" Leo asked, picking his gun from the floor to clean it off.

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