Chapter 35

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A few weeks passed but Chase and Charlotte were failing at breaking Xavier and Blaze. Nya's walls were still strong and Cameron was giving up.

"I know I'm asking a lot by asking you to trust me but understand now that I'm telling the truth." Christian said, stretching some.

He was preparing himself to head out for one of the family's tasks.

"We'll see." Xavier said, shrugging with one hand on his hip. "Today, you will be sent to a town to deliver these things to someone."

Blade came up to give Christian a small scroll and a bag.

"This person's name is Jane. You give her these items and come back." Blade said, once Christian took them.

"Alright." Christian glanced at Xavier, nodded, and then disappeared.

Xavier looked at Blade and Blade turned to him.

"Reports. Books. Scrolls."

"Healer stuff." Xavier nodded before turning around to the castle only to see Charlotte talking to Blaze--Xavier was already irritated but saw an expression he hadn't seen on Blaze's face in awhile.

Annoyance. Pure annoyance. His mask was slipping.

Xavier didn't hesitate to fly over, "Blaze!"

Blaze turned, all irritation gone as he caught Xavier. "Xavier." He held his boyfriend tightly to him, seeking his comfort.

"I missed you so much." Xavier glanced at the girl before having Blaze take all of his attention.

Charlotte's eyes widened as Xavier grinned, his eyes shining brightly as they stared into Blaze's dark orbs.

"I missed you too."

Xavier pulled Blaze into a kiss and Blaze didn't hesitate to kiss back. Xavier was happy and smug as he pulled away.

"Let's go." Blaze nodded and grabbed Xavier's hand before taking him inside the castle.

Xavier didn't hesitate to turn his head back to Charlotte and smile, making the devil's pawn huff and stomp her foot, frustratingly.

Back in the town, Jane was smiling at the sleeping twins and put a blanket over them. "I'm really happy, Ava."

Ava laughed quietly, "I know, Jane. I'm happy you're happy."

"Ava...I think we should get married." Jane turned her head around to the other woman, who paused. 

"I think you're a little too happy. I don't think we're ready for that yet. I've only known you for almost a year." Ava smiled, rubbing the back of her neck.

"You do want to marry me, right?"

"Yes, I do just not yet. Not now. We've only been here for a month."

"You're right. I'm being way too happy."

"Yeah...just calm down a little." Jane laid on Ava when she sat down on the floor. And a few minutes later, Jane went to sleep and Ava let Jane lay down comfortably.

Then there were a few knocks on the front door and Ava slipped out from under Hand to go to the door. She opened it and Christian was there.

"Are you Ava?" His voice was low but sounded young.

"Who's asking?" Ava let her fire consume her fist.

"I am Christian, the delivery boy at the moment. I was sent by Blade and this is for Jane." He gave Ava the bag and she slowly took it. "Goodbye." He said before disappearing. Ava looked in the bag and closed the door.

"Huh. Ok." The woman shrugged before putting the bag down somewhere so that she could go back and cuddle Jane.

In the elven kingdom, Prince Zac was having dinner with his mother while the servant was at her side and Zakari at his.

"Zac had something to tell me that was so exciting earlier."

"It was nothing, Mother, I promise you. I just played with the fairies and the butterflies again. It was more exciting than it usually was." The elf Queen sighed and the prince finished his food.

"Zakari." Saying Zakari's name hit a nerve and Zac stood to his feet.

"I just saw a person I thought was beautiful, that's all." The elf prince admitted, and the Queen looked at him.
"Goodnight. I hope you sleep wonderfully, Mother." He bowed and left with Zakari following, with a smile on his face.

"Ah, I do like when you become an adult again, Your Highness."

"S-Shut up, Zakari." Zac blushed and covered his face as they found themselves on a balcony.

"My name triggers you, doesn't it?" Zakari asked, looking at his friend.

"After what happened to your family and my father...yeah. Definitely. We're in our teen years...I can still be a little kid." The prince played with his pointy ears, while looking down.

"You're right but when will you grow up?"

"When I grow up." Zac answered, shrugging.

"I knew you were going to say that." Zakari smiled more, shaking his head.

"Then why'd you ask?"

"I'm not sure, Your Majesty." Zakari mocked as a joke, but then let out a groan-- almost buckling over when the prince punched him in his stomach.

Zac walked off, gracefully as if he had not done a thing.

"Still strong as ever." Zakari mumbled, slowly going after him.

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