Chapter 31

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Xavier woke up and hurried to get up and out of the tent. Everyone was settled down, eating.

"How dare you eat without me?"

"I told them, I promise. They wouldn't allow me to wake you." Blaze told him as he stormed over. He gave Xavier a bowl of food and Xavier sat on Blaze's lap.

"Sorry about that." Nya and Xander had the same nervous expression on their faces and Xavier ignored them. Blaze just smiled and finished eating. Xavier relaxed when seeing Blaze's face and slowed down his chewing but his eyebrows still furrowed.

"Well, do hurry up and eat. We should leave before dark." Blade said, and turned into his horse form, which had  bags on his back.

"Not that it would matter." Blarza smiled before turning into her horse as well.

Xander and his children got up after they finished, quickly putting out their fire and taking care of everything else.

Blaze kissed Xavier before turning into his horse and Xavier couldn't even lie, he was a little bit excited. Xavier quickly got on Blaze's back and ran his fingers through Blaze's mane.

"Come on, Nya." Xander reminded his daughter as he pulled himself over Blade's back. Nya got on Blarza's back with Norah in her arms and settled.  "Let's go."

After a while it was quiet between the group but as they neared farther through their past and childhood, Xavier and Nya were lost in their thoughts.

"Since I'm not strong enough to teleport all of us and our things, we will be going through a portal." Xander explained, with a serious look on his face and his children glanced at him.

"Oh, cool." Xavier said, relaxing as he laid on Blaze's back, back-to-back.

Nya looked at him in shock, "Why are you laying on Blaze like that?!" She nearly raised her voice but didn't go any higher to not panic Norah.

"It's not like I'd fall. We're very balanced." Xavier smiled, smugly and his sister pouted.

"Xavier." Xander coldly glanced at his son and Xavier didn't hesitate to obey as his demeanor changed. Xavier got on Blaze correctly and Xavier patted Blaze a few times to let Blaze know he was fine.

Xander opened a portal in the middle of a plain field and they rushed through it. Blaze and his parents turned into their human forms when they were in.

"Take us to your new husband." Blade said, looking around at the place.

Xander scoffed, receiving the joke with a smile on his face.

Blaze held Xavier's hand and Xavier slowly intertwined their fingers.

"Ah, Xander's children and friends!" Jaxon smiled, appearing out of nowhere. "It's nice to meet you all." Jaxon had shook everyone's hands, he even ruffled Norah's hair and she almost sneezed. Xavier, Blaze, and Mya were uncomfortable.

"Where will we be staying?" Blarza asked with a small smile.

"In my home of course!" Jaxon pointed to the large castle-like house that was only black and red.

Blade's eyes narrowed, "I'd like to stay in my own home." Blarza grabbed Blade's shoulder.


The group had eventually gone inside and separated into their own rooms to unpack. They would meet back together later on for a tour.

"What's up with your dad?" Xavier whispered, when he and his boyfriend were settled. "It's a man of the house..he doesn't want to be in the care of anyone else. He made a family by himself and I'm sure he'd like to make a home for them too. If he has to depend on someone else- especially someone he doesn't doesn't go well..." Blaze looked down.

"Yeah, I understand...I don't know what to do anymore. I'm thinking I'm starting to go with the flow but..." Xavier mumbled.

"Xavier..." Blaze brought Xavier closer and Xavier leaned on Blaze's shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too, Blaze."

"I want a family with you." Blaze said, looking down at his boyfriend and Xavier looked at him.

"You mean...children."

"Well, definitely after we wed but yeah.." Blaze looked nervous but Xavier just smiled and kissed Blaze.

"Let's begin then, shall we?" Jaxon said, and the rest followed him around the castle.

It became boring quickly. None of it had anything to do with them obviously and the castle didn't look much fun. It reminded Xavier of Cameron's castle almost.

He didn't want anything to do with either. Not anymore.

Xavier yawned and tried to cover it.

"I'll pick you up-" Blaze smiled, holding Xavier's arm.

"No. Xavier can walk." Xander said, glancing back at the two of them.
Xavier frowned and looked away. Blaze looked at Xavier with a worried frown.

By the end of the tour, everyone was in a bad mood. "Thank you for the tour, Jaxon."

"No problem. Now, you may do whatever you like until dinner." Jaxon smiled at the rest. Everyone except Xander and Jaxon dispersed.

"I don't like that guy, Norah." Norah kept looking like she was going to sneeze but nothing ever came out so Nya tried to help but nothing worked. Nya was starting to get worried so rushed back to where she thought her father to be.

"Nya. What is it?" Both Xander and Jaxon turned around.

"There's something wrong with-"

"Norah? I'm sure you can deal with her just fine. I'm busy so please go." Nya was utterly shocked but ran away.

Blaze soothed Xavier as much as he could but Xavier's tears kept rolling down his cheeks.

"Xavier..." Blaze whispered, and Xavier hugged him. Blaze hugged him back and they laid down on their bed.

"It's the demon. I'm not staying here."


"Blarza. What could make you stay here?" Blade asked, very close to raising his voice.

"Blaze! Our child. Our only child."

"Xavier does not want to be here. Did you see Xander? He is more than blinded. Why would Blaze stay? Blaze loves Xavier. I might as well treat Xavier as my own since Blaze loves him inside and out. They belong together."

"Where would we go?" Blarza took a step closer to her mate, starting to tremble with sadness.

"Wherever life decides to take us."

"I-I...Blade..." Blarza reached for Blade and he cupped her face.

"Blarza, I'll figure it out, okay? I'll give you some time to be on your own. I'll be in the library."

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