Chapter 29

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Norah was playing around by herself while her father made tea.

"Let's get down to the point. You've been cheating on me for a time that only the gods know. You've successfully been able to clean yourself every time to show up with the family we created to act like you're the same person you were but the last were beat until you fainted and you don't even know why."

"How do you know...?"

"I was told. And I had seen myself." Nathaniel's eyes widened and Xander looked away. "I had been taken by someone who wanted me. And before I became all knowing I actually defended you. He had told me many things and getting you away from us was a part of his plan to get to me. The first time he tried, Xavier tried to stop him but in the end, he was able to get what he wanted."

Nathaniel was still in shock.

"He's a high level demon...who has taken a strong liking to me. He's stronger than me- even my new abilities he could take me down. He really hates you though. For hurting me. Unfortunately, I'm not the only one who is hurt...our children." Xander looked up at Nathaniel, who looked like he was going to shatter. "There's no way in hell am I letting you take any of them. With what you've done..there's no way. You know that Nya and Xavier know, don't you? Blade, Blarza and Blaze can smell you." Xander put his tea down and reached for Norah. She was happy to be held by him and he rubbed the skin of her arm. "My friend...capturer, whatever you want to call him- showed me through a mirror. Your latest session with a male dragon. I heard everything. And the demon had the dragon beat you. I've been able to see Xavier a few times and even though I gave him a bit of help, he managed to put things together on his own." Xander looked outside the tent.

"Xander, pleas-"

"After Nya's friends leave, I'll be taking all of my children and we'll be gone from this land. Leaving you with all your dragon friends. That's what you wanted, right?" Xander glared at Nathaniel and the dragon shifter because timid.

"But...what about their dreams? Nya has her friends and Xavier- are you really going to take him from Blaze?" Nathaniel started to cry, filling with regret and sadness.

"You think Blade and Blarza are going to stay around you?" Xavier chuckled, and disappeared. He reappeared towards the front of the tent on his feet.  Norah giggled and he looked down at her. "I'm going to talk to Nya and her friends now. I've done what I needed to do. And that was making sure you knew that we were done." Xander said before leaving Nathaniel to crumble to the ground.

Blaze and Xavier were swimming in a lake.

"Blaze, come closer!"

"Yes, princess."

"What did you just call me?" Xavier's eyes went big.

"Nothing." Blaze chuckled, turning away.

"No! What did you call me?!" Xavier started swimming towards Blaze as fast as he could and Blaze laughed as he let himself be caught like a fish.

"Nothing, my dearest love."

"Uh-huh, sure. That's what I thought." Xavier got on Blaze's back and Blaze held him as they started to swim around again.

A dark figure appeared next to the river and Xavier noticed it first when he felt eyes on them. "Blaze. Down, now." Xavier seriously told his partner and Blaze didn't hesitate to do asked. He lowered underwater and Xavier got off of him.

"Xavier..." Xavier turned his head quickly and saw Nathaniel on the path that came from their camp. Xavier's demeanor changed when he realized the figure was gone and Blaze stood slowly, grabbing his hand. "May I speak with you?" Xavier tsked and turned to Blaze to give him a hasty kiss that left him breathless. He pulled away and then swam towards Nathaniel, leaving the Blaze in the water. Blaze watched them leave and then lowered himself back into the water.

The figure appeared again but much closer to Blaze that time. Blaze glared as a demon formed.

"Blaze, right?" Blaze turned to Jaxon, who was smiling as he stood on the edge of the river.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jaxon. Nice to meet you."

"How do you know my name?"

"Xander speaks of his dear children. They will eventually become my own. I have to know everything I can about them. Including their mates." Blaze's fierceness grew but he knew he was talking to.

"You're the demon that took Xander."

"Call me Jaxon, please." The demon bowed and Blaze stood up.

"You took him when he and my parents were looking for those mysterious creatures. That was all a part of your plan. To get Xander where he was alone...the distractions that sent Xavier and my parents off track...and that means...what happened to Nathaniel was also because of you as well. The dragons..." Blaze said, having figured it out thoughtfully.

"Wow, bravo! Xavier really has a catch on his hands!" Jaxon might've meant it but Blaze didn't know him so it only translated to sarcasm in his head. He rolled his eyes.

"Did you make Nathaniel cheat on Xander?" Blaze asked, seriously and Jaxon smiled.

"No, I did not. He did that all on his own. I just wanted Xander. To show him that I wasn't lying about what I told him, I had Xander watch Nathaniel and a dragon that worked for me."

Blaze nearly gagged but knew in his head that a demon was a demon. They were full of tomfoolery and he could be lying to him.

Blaze would only know for sure if he saw Xander.

"What is going to happen next?"

"You, your family and Xander's children will be coming to live in my lands." Jaxon crossed his arms, confidently.

Hearing that didn't make Blaze feel any better but he would follow Xavier. He knew for sure his parents wouldn't stay.

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