Chapter 19

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Jane managed to get Ava to the rest of the group, who were eating breakfast.

"You're back."

"Where's Adam?"

"You don't look too alright." The others were concerned.

Jane made a signal and they went quiet.

"Adam went back to the kingdom. He'll be safe though. From whatever the Queen was talking about." Ava mumbled, looking down.


"And I'm-I'm- I'll be alright." Jane looked at Ava with a frown and Nya sighed.

"It will be alright. We're safe. Adam's safe."

The group got ready to go and Nya brought out the box she had been given.



"I'm scared." Jade admitted, stiff.

"Don't worry, we got you."


Nya opened the box, and a big blue ball of electricity came out and zapped at all of them, making them disappear.

Back with Xavier and Blaze, they were getting ready to spar but with no powers or weapons, blindfolded.

Then it began. Both of them were moving swiftly and quietly, both blocking and making hits that weren't too harmful.

Xander and Blade were watching the spar from afar.

"Will you and Blarza give it another go?"

"No, Xander. You know Blaze is enough. He's a blessing as it is." Blade smiled before the fathers continued watching their sons.

Eventually, Xavier got distracted and Blaze did a quick move, making his soulmate fall on his back.

"Xavier, are you alright?" Blaze moved to stand over him.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"Getting distracted, are we?" Xander announced as he and Blade went over to them.

"Father." Blaze helped Xavier up and dusted him off.

"I would like to see the day when you surpass my son, Xavier." Blade said, smiling proudly.

"Oh, it'll happen, Blade." Xander grinned and ruffled Xavier's hair, making his son relax.

Then all of a sudden, they felt souls coming towards them at a quickened pace. "You two, go to the camp. Now."

"Dad-" Blaze's grip tightened on Xavier's hand and he started to run, taking Xavier with him.

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