Chapter 22

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Blaze and Xavier had laid down and got close together as much as they could. "Night, Xavier."

"Night, Blaze."

During the next morning, Ava woke up to loud noises and then Jane woke up too. "What's happening?"

"I don't know, just stay with them." Ava said, getting up and leaving the tents.

There were dragons in the sky and they were starting to surround the forest. Everyone else was already awake.

"I don't know what they want." Nathaniel said, staring up at the dragons as everyone else came out of their tents.

"Are we going to have to fight?" Xavier yawned and Xander glanced at him.

"Hopefully not."

The dragons landed and transformed into their human forms. "Hello, Nathaniel!" Nathaniel sighed and crossed his arms.

"What is it?"

"We have matters to discuss."

"Alright." Nathaniel and Xander glanced at each other before Nathaniel turned to Xavier.

"Take care of Norah for me."

"Will you be gone long?" Norah crawled up on her brother, he lifted her into his arms, and sat her head on his shoulder.

"No longer than a day." Nya hugged Nathaniel next,

"We'll be good."

"You better be."

Nathaniel had transformed and the dragons left with him.



"What are we going to do now?"


Xavier fixed food for everyone and Blade and Blarza came back to the group.

"Is everything alright?" Xander asked, looking up at his friends.

"We have been told there are mysterious dark creatures in the east." Blade said,

"Do we have to go now?"

"Not yet. Nothing suspicious had happened."

Everyone started to eat together and Xavier leaned on Blaze.

"Are you guys together?" Jane whispered, and Xavier looked at her.

"Hah? Yeah." Xavier finished eating and Blaze took his bowl. Xavier looked at him and raised up so Blaze could get up.

"How long have you guys known each other?"

"Birth." Xavier snickered and Blaze came back to pull Xavier up.


"We're going." Xavier informed and then he and Blaze went to their common training spot. "What are we going to use this time?" Xavier asked, after Blaze went to find something for them to use and Blaze threw him a bamboo stick. "Are you serious?"

"Very. Come on." Xavier sighed, and put his blindfold on. Blaze did the same and Mya's group came to watch them.

"What's wrong?" Ava asked, watching Nya become nervous.

"I'm scared. I've never seen them do this before."

"They won't go too far. They shouldn't." Jane said, trying to calm her.

Then it began. There were three matches, Blaze beat Xavier the first one, Xavier got lucky on the second but Blaze came back and knocked Xavier off his feet. Xander, Blade, and Blarza had come to watch by then. Xander had a smile on his face because of the lucky chance his son had and slowly clapped.

Xavier turned to the sound of his father and bowed, he took off his blindfold to only see a dark figure stand behind his father. Xavier's eyes widened and he took a step before immediately sending a raid of fireballs in the direction and Xander dodged.

The figure disappeared and Xander stood up straight as Xavier rushed over to him.

"Dad, are you alright? I'm sorry if I hurt you, I didn't mean to if I did. There was-"

"I know, Xavier. I'm fine, it's alright, calm down." Xander patted Xavier's head, and rubbed his son's arms.

"What was that?"

"I'm not sure."

I Love You 2 [Old Version]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon