Chapter 32-

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Liam's pov- I just dropped Niall off at his house and now I have to make it to mine. Pulling up in the drive way my little 3 year old daughter ran out onto the drive way stood in front of the car crying. I turned the car off straight away and jumped out of the car.

"What's wrong darling?", I hushed her. "Daddy hurts", is all Jessie said. Following her closely was Ruth (Liam's sister). "Li, we went out for lunch today and she was complaint the whole day about her tooth hurting. You might have to take her to the dentist." I agreed with Ruth and new the exact person that should do the trick.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up Louis number. Sending him a quick message asking if he works on kids teeth. Soon after I got a reply ~hello Liam. Thanks for your question, my answer is yes I do fix children's teeth. I've also been trained in working with kids, so there is nothing to worry about. May I ask who the kid is and I could slot them into tomorrow around 3:45 if that's alright.~

~thank you so much, yes could I book that appointment for Jessie Payne please. My daughters just been complaining all day about one of her tooth hurting.~

I sent my message and soon after got a reply saying to just give her some panadol for now and that should help for a while.

Returning to the kitchen I got out the panadol and drew out 5 ml with a syringe. Going into the living room where Jessie sat with Ruth watching teletobies I gave her the medicine. "Don't worry sissy, this time tomorrow daddy would have to taken you to the nice dentist and got your tooth fixed so it no longer owies."

I sat down with both of them and some how we all fell asleep together. Only if Jessie knew what tomorrow is going to be like. The thought of just getting a filling after a cavity makes me want to shiver.

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