Chapter 21-

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Liam's pov- poor Niall, I don't think he's be at school today would he? The state he was in last night I wouldn't make him go to school. The bell rang, signalising that the first period of six, had just started. Along with being an councillor, I'm an substitute teacher. And first period I'm filling in as the year 9 and 10 mixed class pe teacher. Great.

"Okay class, I'm Mr Payne, some of you may know that I'm the councillor. Well I'm filling in for Mrs Clarke. Now go get changed, and meet me in the canteen cage." I yelled at over 40 students.

Being all 15 and 16 year olds, I thought dodgeball would be great. Give them an period to let all their stress and anger out on the balls, and make them feel good for the rest of the day. I got out all the balls and some cones, and one by one they all started to gather around me.

"Okay now hopefully everyone's here, so I'm going to start with splitting youse all up in groups and from there ill mark youse off the roll. 43 times later of repeatedly splitting students up into 2 groups and asking of names and marking them off I was done. All I had gathered from this is that 1- Niall isn't here today and 2- the groups where uneven, and in order for it to be an fair game it meant I had to join the group. So far my plan hasn't been going to plan.

"Okay to make this game fair, each team will start out with 10 balls, and then the game will begin from there! Rules are- doesn't count if above the chest, last one standing wins for their team, and i will bye an slushy for everyone on that team. and anyone who throws at someone's face is out and last have fun", I yelled out at the class of hypo 15 and 16 year olds.

The game begun, yelling picking up, balls flying every where, people ducking and people getting hit. Immediately the thought. Of this wasn't an good idea for me to join in popped up in my head. Instantly regretting playing now. Lost in my thoughts I was interrupted by an sharp pain ripping thought my mouth. "Mr Payne your out!!", one very hypo teen boy yelled at me.

Forgetting about the rules of being out if you through an ball and hit someone above the chest, i walked straight out of the cage and headed over to the table where I had place my belongings. Ignoring everything that was going on around me, I picked up my phone and switched on the camera.

Bearing my mouth I immediately seen an gaping space. My front tooth had been chipped right into half, leaving me with an hideous gap. Not wanting to to talk and risk seeing the face people will give me, I just nodded instead.

As soon as the bell rang, signalising first period was over. That would have had to been the longest 40 minutes of my life. I made my way up to the office and signed myself out sick for the rest of the day. I had to get this fixed and quickly, so without hesitating I drove straight for Louis dental office, despite my big fear of the dentist. It just has to be done.

I'm so sorry for not updating for an while now. Hope youse all like this chapter and I will update again if I get lots of votes and comments.

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