Chapter 19-

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Harry's pov- Louis, your the dentist what would you recommend to eat, with the amount of pain Niall's in?", Liam asked as we walked into the grocery store. "We'll I know if it was me I wouldn't want to eat, the first time I got braces I didn't eat for an whole week. But knowing its Niall he'd eat anything." Louis said half chuckling.

"Okay so to the soup section we go!", I semi yelled whilst grabbing an shopping basket. We all headed off to the soup part of the shop, and after 5 minutes of walking we finally arrived.

"Lets make this quick, I don't wanna leave Niall much longer!", Louis said as he glanced at all the different soups. "Okay, how bout I split off with Zayn and we will go and get the ice cream and yoghurt, whilst youse pick the soups", Liam said getting the approval of Louis, Zayn and I.

After about 10 minutes we all meet up at the checkout. "Lets see what we got here", I said sitting the shopping baskets up on the counter.

Tomato soup, potato soup, chocolate cookie ice cream (soft served), chocolate custard, strawberry yoghurt and last but not lease, some strawberry and chocolate milk.

"Now that's one lucky kid", I thought to myself only later to realise I'd spoken it out loud. "I agree with ya", both Liam and Zayn replied back in unison. "But it's only because he has the most coolest, awesome, rap dog, big bro in da world", Louis said showing off his rap and swag skills. "Ah no Lou, your an dentist that's not cool", Liam said shutting Louis down.

"Oh snap!!", everyone yelled out, we even got an little chuckle from the checkout chick. "A dentist? I think that's cute, that comes to $46.70" (I'm from Australia, so sorry). Omg did she just flirt with my Louis? I snatched the money out of Louis wallet and handed it over.

As we left the checkout chick sent an wink and wave to Louis. Me feeling completely jealous grabbed Louis face, and connected our lips together, instantly getting an dirty look fro that checkout chick. "I wonder if she'd think I'm cute now?", Louis asked whilst kissing back.

"Come on we gotta get going, Niall's waiting for us", I said whilst we all raced off towards Liam's car. Liam dropped us all off at Louis, and he headed home for the night. We waved at him as he started to drive off, "you know I really like that guy", Louis said, getting an nod of approval from Zayn. "But not as much as me!", I said playfully earning some playful gleams and nudges.

Turning the handle we made our way to the kitchen. Sitting down the bags we looked up, "Niall!!".... (To be continued)

(IDon't forget tovote and comment and also tell people about this book. Has any of youse got an twitter account? Tell me them and I'll add youse and we can talk. Hey is it just me or to all you guys who have had braces and now has retainers, have you ever broke them or lost them like in the stupidest way? I'd love here your story's I have plenty. Oh and another thing some of youse might have read my other book, falling in love with mr Horan? I have decided to right an sequal and the whole blog thingies up right now. So of youse don't mind can youse head over there and give it an quick vote and comment. Much appreciate it.)

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