Chapter 6-

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Niall's pov- "Im so sorry Louis, I kinda got caught up with my new friend Liam and we kind of lost track of time", I yelled in the house as I walked thought the door. I walked into the the kitchen to find Louis and my brothers best friend Harry getting into it on the kitchen bench. "Oh come on guys!" Both of them turned to see me and immediately both of them started pulling their pants and tops back on.

"Niall? Where were you today? You missed your appointment?" My brother asked,I new it was coming and immediately made my way up t my rock just ignoring everything that was being yelled at me.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone and dialled Liam's number, after 3 rings it picked up, "Liam Payne speaking," "hey Liam it's Niall, can I hang out with you again tomorrow afternoon and at lunch time?," I asked "sure buddy ill see yo tomorrow then, bye". I hang up now I have a reason so Louis won't be able to play dentist with me again.

Harry's pov- I felt bad having Louis's little brother Niall walking in on us and I kinda want to make it up to both of them. I'll start with Niall, walked up to his bedroom and knocked on his door. "Can I come in?", I asked as I already made my way to the end of is bed, "I know you walked in on us having well you know but me and your brother sort of have feelings for each other so yeah, I'm kinda asking for your permission for me to be with your brother." Said oping for an yes which I got.

"Oh and kid I was scared of the dentist too when I was a kid. I never wanted braces or to ever see another dentist in my life time, but you know what my mum told me we was going to the cinemas, but we drove right by it and ended up pulling out in front of an dentist. My mum literally went into the dentist and asked if the dentist him self could come and get me out of the car. And before I know it. Was being strapped down into the chair and having little metal things glued on to your teeth. After that I had check up every 3 weeks and just got use to it just like you will". Niall thanked me and I gave him a hug and left, now time to apologise to Louis.

I walked into Louis bedroom and started ever so slowly stripping, "now Louis. Have to make it up to you for our little walk in earlier i continued stripping and later that night I had Louis screaming my name louder than a little girl getting an root canal without being numbed.

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