Chapter 5-

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Louis pov- Niall was late, good one Niall I said to my self. "Zayn cancel Niall's appointment" I huffed out, obvisley pissed. The bell rang, indicating someone coming in, I turned on my heels hopping to be greeted with Niall but no, it was my childhood friend and still my best buddy Harry.

"Harry, what can I do for you?", Harry was holding the right side of his face, "ugh, Louis their something wrong, It won't stop hurting" Harry complained "we'll a slot just opened up, would u like to come back?".

Harry followed me back to my office and laid down on the chair, "so Harry how you been lately?" I asked trying to start a conversation whilst I got all my tools ready. "Yeah uh I've been fine, until this tooth ache came along, other than that how you been?", he asked. I took a seat picking up the first tool and Harry opened his mouth, "we'll everything's been fine except Niall, he's such a pest lately, all over braces!", I took the tools out of his mouth and turned and got the x-ray pieces, "we'll it's quite simpleton have an cavity, but I'm going to take an x-ray first just so I can determine wether the fix the tooth or just pull it".

I placed the films in Harry's mouth and walked out of the room. Coming back in I removed the films and checked the X-rays. "Well it looks like it's in titles up to you, what would you like, filling or extraction?" Harry was scared not wanting either but decided upon a filling and I went and collected the tools I needed.

Niall's- it had been half and hour and all me and Liam was doing was walking around and talking, and I finally got enough courage to ask the question I've wanted to know all day. "Liam are you scared of the dentist?", I could see this question bothered Liam and had put him off but just like me he built his courage up and replied with a yes.

"So what happened? What made you hate the dentist?", I asked just out of curiosity. "We'll it all started when I was 13, I had to get braces, but before I got my braces I had to have 8 teeth pulled and 6 cavities filled. That scared me and when I had it done it hurt so bad I would cry all day and night and not sleep a wink. Then not even a week after that my braces was put on, and they killed. I had braces for more than 5 years and when I got them off I made a promise to my self I would never go back or look at another dentist again."

"But that's only part of the story, i have an older brother his names Leeroy. When I was 17 he went away for university/collage, and got his degrees in dentistry and orthodontics, the thing I feared the most. He moved away to America and opened u his own dentist office. Whilst I became a police officer and now a teacher/councillor. And that's my story, what about you?", Liam asked.

"Well simple actually, when I was 8 my mum and dad had an car accident and they was killed at the scene. Well Louis my older brother was away at university/collage at the time and had to come back to look after me. Anyways he finished his degrees and with the money he inherited from our parents he opened up and dentist and started his career. I could never get away from him, as. Live with him. When he has free time he always mucks around with my teeth, and right now he's going through the braces stage and I don't want to. That's mainly the reason I'm scared of the dentist." I said whilst looking down at my wrist,"shit look at the time Louis going blow a shit at me". I said as Liam got up and made his way t his car with me closely following behind.

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