Chapter 1

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Niall- Louis little brother

Harry-Louis best friend

Liam- Niall's close adult friend

Louis- the dentist

Zayn- assistant works for Louis

"Louis do I have to? Come on ill do anything to not do this, please!!" Called Niall. Yelling frantically Louis William, "your a big fat ass hole! You promised!" Niall James was an 15 year old, who has a brother Louis who is an dentist and is currently sitting an appointment with Niall.

"Niall, I've told you this before I'm an dentist, it's what I do!" Louis yelled back before letting out an breath he dint know he was holding.

Turning his head to the side huffing out an "please don't make me."

"Lets try this again hey? I'm an dentist Ni and yo go to the dentist for check ups. Yes having your older brother as an dentist is weird but you just have to get over that" An exhausted Louis explained to his frightened younger brother.

"Oh just come on Niall, I'm an busy man I have a lot of work to be done, I have other patients. Now you can either open your mouth and let me check or you can go back to school till I have time to play!" Louis said staring straight into Niall's eyes.

With a huff Niall let out "fine but only if you don't fix anything!" "Niall lad I wasn't planing on it."

Surprising Louis Niall rolled over and opened his mouth just wide enough for a couple of tools. "Let me go get some clean tools" Louis said as he left the room. Niall left in the room was having thoughts about just getting up and leaving but was soon interrupted by Louis. "Open up wide, yep thats good, thats great, Okay can you open just a little wider?" Louis was that full of excitement he looked like he was about to cry.

Louis sat there looking at Niall's perfectly cleaned teeth. All that was wrong with Niall's teeth is that he wouldn't let his brother go ahead and put braces on them. Louis was lucky to see Niall sit in the chair sometimes, let alone open her mouth. "Your doing great Ni, I'm so proud of you," Louis said as he left the room with Niall's folder to put it away in his office.

The next day Niall was called into the office by Zayn, the receptionist. Making his way as quite as he could from school to Louis dental office he rushed down the back to his office, knocking steadily on his door, with a quick come in he entered. "Now Niall I have something important to tell you, you need ......braces!". That was it getting up and leaving Niall to think about what he just said.

Braces, braces surely my teeth can't be that bad! Can they? But I don't want braces.

It's rushed because I really wanted to get it up but. Have exams and all so yeah thanx. Xoxox

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