Chapter 10-

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Niall's pov- I wasn't asleep the whole time. When everyone left so they could fix Liam's tooth I woke up. I made my way to the room Liam was on an was peaking through the closed door. I watched what my big brother Louis and his assistant Zayn did to him, clearly hurting him. I could tell he was in pain the way he in twined his hands, just like I do. They used such big tools, for something so small. And the main reason he was there was because they were a part of his braces. Braces caused this pain for Liam, even when he didn't have them. That is one of the reasons I don't want them.

But on the other hand Liam was brave. Brave enough to let Louis and Zayn stick them big scary tools in his mouth and get rid of the pain. And I think if Liam can be brave well then I can be brave.

"So your mouth will be a little sore after the numbing wears off. And also the tooth may end up needing an crown in an couple of months, but other than that everything's well. Oh and would you like to keep that band as an souvenir?" I was interrupted by Louis. I ran back out to the waiting room, laying down on the same chair, and making out I'm a sleep.

I felt an hand brush over my hair, making me shiver at the feeling. It couldn't have been Zayn because he was talking and I could tell he wasn't any where near me. It wasn't Louis either, I could tell if it was him by the shape of his hand. So it had to have been Liam. Liam's starting to feel like an dad to me, miss that feeling alot.

(Okay so this was just an filler but yeah hope youse liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys xoxoxo)

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