Chapter 23-

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Liam's pov- I followed Louis back to his office, ever so slowly. Lets just say I was crapping myself, yes after all the dental work I've had done I'm still shit scared, and its my first time I've ever had an chipped tooth.

"Okay Liam, what seems to be the problem?", Louis asked as I sat down in the chair that was placed in the centre of the room. I stayed as quite as I could and slowly whimpered out, "my tooth's broken". "Well then why don't I take an look", Louis said as he pulled on an pair of gloves and rolled his stool over to the chair.

I clenched my mouth shut, not wanting to show the ugly tooth. "Liam, I can't see what's wrong, if you won't show me", Louis said as his gloved fingers prided at my lips. Giving in I slowly opened my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut as the cold air hit the rest of the tooth.

"Shit, how the hell did this happen?" Louis gasped as he seen the sight of my tooth. Now picking up and hook and scraping the tooth. I yelped in pain and Louis placed the tool down.

"So what exactly happened? Last time I seen you your teeth were perfectly fine." Louis asked as I was not sitting up and watching Louis get all his tools ready. "Uh it's kind of an long story, but I was filling in as the teacher for an pe class, and I thought doge ball would be an great game. Obversely not, when I got hit in the face by an ball and this happened".

Louis pov- I laughed at the reason how Liam had chipped his tooth. I would never had expected an guy like Liam to do that. I finished mixing up the filling compound and then sat it on the tray next to the chair.

Laying the chair back I could see scared written all over Liam's face, which upset me a lot. "Alright Liam, can I get you to open your mouth as wide as you can and then I'll just numb the area, so you don't feel anything." He opened his mouth as wide as he could and I injected the fluid into his gums.

After waiting 5 minutes I got Liam to open his mouth yet again, I placed an cheek retractor inside of his mouth and then turned over head light on to full beam. I picked up the drill and turned it on, just so I could clean it up and then start making the new part of the tooth.

Tears set upon his face as I brought the drill closer and closer to his mouth, and by the end of it his face was like an lake. Placing down the small sander, I picked up his bib and padded his face, attempting to clean up his face.

"I'm all done Liam, see it wasn't that bad was it? I asked as I took off my gloves and sat the chair up into the right position. In reply to my question I got an small whimper, and all I could do was comfort him.

I went and got an mirror from the cupboard and came and sat back down. I held it in front of Liam's face for him to see. Now showing him the best ways to brush, floss and take care of his new tooth.

And then he was ready to go. But just before he could leave I had to ask him. "Hey Liam, Harry, Zayn and I are all hanging out at mine tonight, would you like to come over and hang with us?" I asked getting an nod of approval. "I'll see you there!", I yelled as he walked out of the building.

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