Chapter 17-

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Louis pov- "We will be there soon Niall, just hold on", I said into the phone. "What's wrong Harry asked, could tell he was worried just by the way he was hanging around the whole phone call. "It's Niall, something's wrong with his teeth, he said something about doing something to his teeth." I rushed out as all the boys got back into Liam's car and made our way to Niall.

Arriving at home I ran straight through the door, knocking over an couple of stuff, whilst the boys closely followed on. "Niall, where are you?", I yelled out looking everywhere for Niall. Then an small whimper filled his bed room, signalising that he was in his bedroom.

"Niall! What have you done?", I gasped out at the sight of Niall's mouth, shortly followed by another 3 gasps. "I'm sorry Lou, I didn't mean for this, it just kinda got stuck and well". By now he was crying not just because he was sad, but also because the amount of pain he was in. "It's okay Ni, I forgive you, and hopefully you can forgive me for being such an asshole lately. Oh and if you would like the pain to stop, your gonna have to let me fix it". I said whilst hugging Niall. I got an nod reply, surprising me, but then Niall was in so much pain he didn't give an dam anymore.

"Hazza, can you go and grab me the emergence kit?", I asked Harry, whilst he headed off to get the emergence dental kit. And then Harry came back.

Liam's pov- wow, I've never seen or even heard about something like this before, I thought, amazed at the sight in front of me. Niall was laying on his bed, mouth wide open as an fork hang out. He looked as though he was in so much pain, and just from an fork.

"Ni, have you tried to get it out your self?", I asked hoping that his pain will soon stop. "Liam, I've tried every thing, if I could've gotten it out I wouldn't have rang Louis in the first place", the poor boy stuttered out as he tried to cover up the pain he was in.

Harry rushed back in with an box that was clearly labeled emergency dental kit. "Holy shit!" Zayn said as he helped hold Niall's mouth open. Then Louis grabbed his tools, "how in the hell did you manage to get the pointy parts of the fork stuck like this?", Louis gasped as he got an better look.

Then came the words neither Niall or I wanted here, "ni, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to start again, and this time it's going to be really painful". Louis said whilst having an saddened facial expression.

(I'm sorry it short again but yeah hope youse enjoyed it. I know I have, I've been getting such an brilliant response to this book, and I would just like to thank all of youse out there for reading and voting. But sadly the next update won't be for 4-5 days, as I'm off to Japan for an holiday, yay. Don't forget t vote and comment and also tell people about this book. Has any of youse got an twitter account? Tell me them and I'll add youse and we can talk

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