Chapter 9-

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Louis pov- I told Liam to open his mouth up as wide as he could to let me place a rubber damp on the tooth. Looking over at the tray of tools I picked up one of the needles, taking the cover off the end and placing it into Liam's mouth. "1 out of 3 down," I said making Liam aware of everything I will be doing. 3 needles later and 5 minutes of waiting for the medication to kick in, I got Zayn to put the selected bur int the drill.

"Okay, I'm going to start drilling first and then I'll see what happens". I picked up the drill and brought it closer to the tooth, slowly pressing it against the tooth and skimming it around the metal band numerous times. Nodding towards Zayn he picked up the suction wand and stuck it in his mouth, collecting all the dust and loose pieces of glue.

After about 10 minutes of drilling around the metal band i put the drill down and this time picked up the clamp. "Okay Liam this part of the process will be painful if the medicine starts to wear off so at any time you want me to stop please tell me so I can numb you up more". And with that I got an nod of approval from the boy that I could tell was starting to feel the pain.

Placing the clamp around the tooth, tightening the grip around the band. slowly I started wiggling the clamp side to side. Liam whimpered whilst shooting his hand up in the air. I immediately stopped "pain or pressure?" I asked awaiting an answer, "pain, definitely pain". Liam screamed out, as I picked up another needle and shoved it into his gums. After having another go at wiggling the band it budged a little but not enough to come off. "Okay Zayn can you pass me the A11 chisel?" I asked Zayn as he searched for the right chisel.

"Well Liam it seems this ones an tough one, I'm going to chisel some off and then it should just pull straight off". Taking the chisel and hammer off of Zayn, I started chiseling away at the band. After about 3 minutes of chiseling away, I picked up the clamp again and started wiggling and it popped off just like that.

"Haha finally, this little bugger here as been causing you pain for years" I said showing Liam the metal band, "but that's not the end of the procedur." Sitting the chair up I got Zayn to put the X-ray film in his mouth and then take the X-ray. Surprising myself and even Liam when there was only a small cavity, less then what we expected. Laying down the chair again I got to cleaning the tooth up and the filling the small cavity.

"So your mouth will be a little sore after the numbing wears off. And also the tooth may end up needing an crown in an couple of months, but other than that everything's well. Oh and would you like to keep that band as an souvenir?" I asked laughing at the end of it. "Ah yeah why not?" He said. I bagged the metal band up and gave it to Liam.

Liam's pov- ahh my mouth is so so so sore, I can't believe Dr Louis finally got the band off my tooth, I've had so many different dentists and even my orthodontist attempt but every time fail. I got up out of the chair and thanked Louis for his work whilst I collected the bag off of him.

"How much will that be?", I asked hopping it isn't going to be too costly. "Just come out the front and I will get Zayn to fix up the bill." Following Louis out to the counter I looked over to see Niall still asleep on the same seat, poor nialler must be so tired. I turned back around to the counter to face Zayn and Louis. Zayn spoke up this time, "all up it comes too $975.84". "Wow, but I know it's worth it", I said as I handed over $1000 cash. And with that I left to go home and enjoy my new tooth.

(but yeah hope youse liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys xoxoxo)

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