I sighed, "That's one way to put it. I just want to nip this in the butt. We're so unbelievably close. Literally all we have to do is arrest them and it's a done deal on our end. Or rather we need to arrest Misun and then get her to crack about her brother. Though he has admitted to committing the crime and I have it on tape."

Jibeom placed a hand on my leg. The gesture felt brotherly which only made my composure dissolve.

"Thank you Cheonsa. Seriously, from all of us. You and Seokjin have done more than anyone else. We're extremely grateful," he said.

I smiled, "There's no need to thank me. One, it's my job and anyone else in my position would try to do the same, except for the losers before me apparently. And two, it's just human decency. I bet you most of Seoul is hoping that you can get justice for the girls."

His eyes shifted to the board with all the arrows and evidence and notes.

He walked over and observed all of the information. I noticed his hand had balled into a fist upon seeing Minchul.

"When I was younger, sometimes I'd watch crime shows and I'd see how the victims' families would forgive the suspect so that they could move on and live a happier life. And now I'm standing here, and the suspect is painfully obvious, but I can't bring it upon myself to EVER forgive him. He didn't just take my baby sister from me...he took my mother too. I don't think I could ever forgive someone that heartless," he hissed.

I put San down and motioned for him to go hug his dad.

Jibeom sadly scooped San into his arms and kissed him softly.

"No one expects you to forgive him Jibeom. We don't expect the others to forgive her either. You're allowed to grieve, mourn, and feel however you want," I said.

He gave me a halfhearted smile, "Yeah, I guess."

The two of us sat in silence for a while before Jibeom let out a long sigh.

"So have you and Seokjin started dating yet?"

I choked on air, "W-what?!"

He chuckled, "It's pretty obvious that you two have a crush on each other."

A shade of bright red spread across my face.

But something inside me told me that I could talk about it with him. Maybe it was because of the brother connection with Jisol, but I felt like maybe he could help me out.

"We...kissed. But, we haven't exactly labeled ourselves as anything. It feels wrong for me to suggest anything. I don't want to push anything on him that he's not ready for," I admitted.

Jibeom smiled, "Well this is certainly a development. I'm probably not the best person to give you advice because I'm not romantically interested in people, but, what I can say, is that you shouldn't worry too much about it. The worse case scenario is he says he's not ready to label you guys as anything. He's not going to hate you for an innocent question."

I considered his words. He was right about that. Seokjin wasn't the type to freak out about stuff like that.

Jibeom and San stayed and kept me company for a little while longer before going back home.

I glanced at the clock.

Only a few more hours.

Time Skip

Ah finally!

I hopped in my car and drove to the hospital, feeling ten times lighter the second I got out of the station.

Visiting Seokjin was my emotional relief from work. Seeing him always put me in a better mood.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot and practically skipped over to his room.

When I got inside, I found him working on his laptop. His right hand was in a sling while his left hand fumbled over the keyboard.

He broke into a smile, "Hey~ how was work?"

I dropped my stuff on the ground and laid beside him on the bed.

"I wanted to drop a brick on my face," I shrugged.

Seokjin laughed, "Well that's one way of looking at it."

Seokjin pressed his forehead against mine, his breathing matching the rhythm of mine.

"I wish I was there to help you," he hummed.

"Me too. Oh, by the way, Jibeom and San stopped by. They just wanted to say thanks and check in on us," I said.

He chuckled, "I know. He sent me a text. He's also a pretty unreliable guy by the way, because he told me what you told him."

My eyes widened in embarrassed horror.

"Oh my god he didn't."

"He did. You wanna talk to me about it?"

I sighed, looking Seokjin in the eyes as I spoke, "I've never done this before so I'm not good at taking hints. So my question is...what exactly are we?"

He smiled, "What do you want us to be?"

"I just said I had no experience with this genius," I huffed.

He chuckled, "Cheonsa, you don't need to feel like you're trampling on my feelings for Sunee. I love you and I love her. But right now, you're right in front of me. And if it's okay with you, I wouldn't mind becoming official."

I nodded without hesitation.

He tilted my chin upward, "That means you're my girlfriend, angel."

He captured my lips in a sweet kiss.

I smiled through the kiss.

Maybe I could experience the giddiness of love now. Better late than never. And better with the right person than the wrong.

Fallen Angel | k.sj Where stories live. Discover now