I dragged my feet out of the bed and towards the door. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I rolled my eyes went I saw the thick arrow pointed straight to the letter 3. Knowing Blake, I could hypothetically conclude that he just came back from a party. Rushing myself but ensured no sound was made, I aimed for the door and unlocked it. I wasn’t surprised to see a tall Blake in front of me with a beautiful brunette. Her dolled up face and those smokey bright yellow contacts scrutinised me who in my bunny pyjamas from up and down with a pair of judging eyes.

But, that didn’t bother me a bit because my attention completely taken by a dark-haired drunken all-the-way-too-familiar boy who be giving my brother a hard time to hold his wasted-self onto his feet.

“Oh about time.” Blake heaved out an assuagement sigh the same time I gasped, “What is Jeon Jungkook doing here!? and why is he drunk!?”

Jungkook lifted his head from hanging down and his dilated-eyes met mine, a silly grin displaying on his lips as he wastedly waved his hand towards me, “Hey…” he slurred, “…It's sexy. Hi, sexy…”

“Don’t talk to my sissy like that.” My brother laughed at Jungkook's comment before he made me surprise by approaching me and transferred all Jungkook’s weighs on me. I had no enough time to refuse before Jungkook already snuggled his face into the crook of my neck, his warm breath tickled me and the strong scent of alcohol nauseated me. Spreading my leg a little, I let Jungkook’s body leaned against me as I grabbed his arms tightly to prevent from falling.

This man weight like a pig.

“Why are you giving him to me?!” my breath instantly hitched when Jungkook sniffed my neck in a way that aroused my inside –not in a sexual way or maybe? - and wrapped both his strong arms around my waist.

Oh shoot.

“Take him to your room.  As you can see mine is quite occupied.” He eyed the lady beside him, oblivious of the state of my eyes which seconds away from falling out of its socket.

“My room? No!” did this man even think?

“Why? Its not like you’re going to take advantage of him. Or you do have the secret desire to do that to him?”

“Oh my god. No. You’re being so ridiculous Blake.” A glare on my face.

A silly chuckle instantly climbed up his lips, "Kidding sister. Take him to Luke's room. He stays the night at Aiden's house."

"Why don't you take him to his house? And how did he end up here? this wasted?" I stumbled upon my feet when Jungkook slightly pushed me back but I regained my balance and enclosed my arm around his back, another over his waist.

"After he sent you home, I asked if he wants to join me to a party and he's cool with it. Didn't know he would drink so much and get completely wasted. And as to why I don't take him to his house cause I simply don't know where he lives. Now, if you excuse us, I have something to do, sis." a stupid grin exited his mouth and the girl didn't hesitated to follow suit, couldn't make it less obvious that she was beyond excited at Blake's suggestion.

It hurt my eyes to see these two and knowing where this is about to go, a disgusted look covered my expression like a second skin. I don’t have problem with people having intercourse, I mean Blake is a  grown up horny teenager after all and it happened with both parties agreed and wanting it but, it a whole different story when one use forces to get something for their own ugly desires. Just like my past. And that is a very enormous problem.

“I heard you tripped at school and hurt yourself today. Are you okay now?” Approaching me to lessen the loads against my body by pulling Jungkook off my frame - I guess he felt bad leaving Jungkook on my own knowing how pig-like Jungkook body is - , Blake then asked, a concern look on his face.

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