chapter 37> What's hope?

Start from the beginning

"Oh yes uhm--"
The  doctor went on before an emergency call made him leave before he could say anything.

"What's wrong gigi!"
I shouted.

"Lia got in an accident the same day you went into surgery."
She said.

"Where is she? That's what i asked gigi. Stop diverting!"
I asked.

"She had a major head injury and she was in coma for a few days--"

"Gigi! For God's sake!"
I yelled.

"She came here to see you after she woke up but you were still unconscious. She told me about your son and asked if i knew"
She went on.

"I told her i didn't and i swear sanè i begged her to stay. I really did. I told her the doctors said you weren't going to die anymore and all but she already made up her mind."

"What are you trying to say gigi?"

"She left sanè. I don't know where she is or where she went to"
She finally said.

"What! Why did you let her leave gigi?! You should have stopped her!"
I yelled at her.

"I promise i did. Mom also tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen sanè. Since then i haven't seen or heard from her."
Gigi innocently claimed but i was way to angry to understand.

"Gigi please leave the room!"
I yelled at her.

"Sanè i promise i tried"

"Well she's gone!"
I yelled back at her and watched her walk out.

   Lia had gone. Again. God i hate myself! How could i have done this to her. Now i don't know where she is or if she wants to be found. I can't even face her until i get closure from this mystery child that i have. God! I don't know why any of this is happening and i sure as hell don't have a solution right now. I just want lia.

A little boy ran into my ward and climbed onthe bed and pulled me into a hug with his tiny arms. As i held him in my arms i couldn't understand how but i felt attracted to him.

"Are you okay now papa?"
He asked and i studied him. Was this really the son i had? Where did he come from? And his eyes were just like looking into a mirror.

I recognized the whore from my bed that morning walk into my hospital ward.


"Mama. Is papa okay now?"
The little boy asked and i couldnt believe it.

   She was the mother of my so called child! How is that even possible?! I can't even remember that night vividly and now I'm a father to a some what two or three years old child. Make this make sense!

"Van go outside and play. I wanna talk to papa"
She told the little kid and he immediately stood up from beside me and walked out of the ward.


"Firstly, I'm not francis and why the hell are you here with a boy that calls me papa?!"
I asked in disbelief.

"Same as that morning uhn"
She smiled to herself.

"Okay look I'm not here to ruin your life or anything. Ever since i gave birth to van it's Been different for me. Having a child changed me. I didn't think that what we did that night would be what will change my entire life but I'm not here for you. I'm here for van"
She said and all i hear is bullshit.

"Look i can't remember getting down with you or much less you're a whore that gets paid how sure are you that Van or whatever you call him is my son!"
I yelled not caring how my words affected her.

"Wow! Like i said I'm not here to ruin your life. I had my doubts but i took a DNA test when you mother asked of it and it was positive. His name is Van and he's three years old. I only want Van to spend time with his father before he dies."
She said.

"My mother took a test?"
I asked.

"Yes she asked for it while you were unconscious. I did because i wasn't sure also and i wasn't ready to ruin what you had with your fianceè with baseless accusations."
She replied.

"I don't want to be a part of your life Francis or sanè. All i want is for you show love to Van and if you can't do that tell me and i will take him far away and tell him his father died already"
She said.

   I didn't want to believe what i was hearing but if he really is my child i can't let him go away from me. I can't lose him or abandon him. I havent been in his life and i finally have the chance to love him and care for him.

"Thank you for taking care of him"
I finally broke the silence.

"He's my son too you know. I'm Melissa."
She said.

"I figured out you don't know my name"
She said and i clicked. The memory of meeting her that night and how i said i was francis and the night we shared together. It all came back to me. She was right. We did spend the night together.

"I'm sanè"
I replied awkwardly.

My mom ran into the ward and hugged me.

"Oh God! It's a miracle! Sanè you look really good. I thought you were--"

"Mom I'm awake and I'm getting better"
I replied her and dried her tears with my fingers.

"Sanè. Van is an amazing boy and he's your son"
My mom said.

"Yeah. Melissa told me all about it already and i remember it all now mom"
I replied.

"Uhm-- I'll leave you to talk"
Melissa said.

"Don't take Van yet. I still want to talk to him and get to know him"
I said to her.

She replied.

I said and she immediately knew what was on my mind.

"She was here when the test results of the DNA arrived. I could see the sadness in her eyes but she was happy for you that you were getting better and then you have this beautiful son but--"

"She wouldnt stay right? She can't forgive me fot doing this to her. She can't be with me right mom? She hates me now doesn't she?"

"No. She loves you. She loves you way too much that she wanted you to have a complete family with melissa and Van."
My mom replied.

"Mom I'm not complete without her"
I said.

"I know that's why i called her."

I was confused.

Lia walked in and i couldn't contain my joy.

I ran off the bed and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Lia. I'm so sorry..i really am. I messed up big time and I've ruined our chances but please give me one last chance please."
I begged her.

"Sanè. It hurt really bad but when i saw Van i coudln't stay angry anymore. I couldn't blame you anymore. I just fell in love with Van and i just didn't want to get in the way of your happiness. For once i wanted to do something for you and let you have a family without me. Then i realized that you're the only family i have. Without you i don't think i can live or do anything. I wanted to go so bad but i couldn't. Sane i realized that it's do or die for me"
She said as tears fell from her eyes.

"It's do or die for me too"
I replied and hugged her.


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