第十六話 | 勝者

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3rd p. o. v

After a while Hanako gave up on looking for Ultear as Katsuki's match was about to start and she didn't want to miss it.

It wasn't too action packed, seeing as Tokoyami played defense the whole time.

In the end though, Katsuki had the upper hand due to Tokoyami's weakness, the light. He ended up surrendering, meaning Hanako would be fighting Katsuki in the finals.


In the stands, the rest of class 1-A sat talking.

"Oh, hey Iida!" Hanako greeted as the boy walked out.

He smiled at the trio before he seemed to start shaking.

"Woah, what's wrong?!"

"It's just my phone," Iida answered, leaving the others to sigh in relief.

The boy excused himself to take the call.


Hanako turned around with a slight hum at the voice.

"May I speak with you?" The peppermint haired boy requested.

"Sure," Hanako responded, standing up.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys after my match. Wish me luck!" She waved.

"Yeah!" Her two friends cheered, watching as she walked away.

The two sat across from each other in the second waiting room.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" The girl asked.

"I wanted to tell you this after our fight, but unfortunately I didn't get a chance," Todoroki spoke, narrowing his eyes at the table as he remembered what his father had said to her.

Hanako chuckled nervously, knowing he had been listening in as she had smelled him.

"Yeah...sorry, I guess I did run off pretty fast, huh?"

"Why are you apologizing?"

Hanako raised a brow.

"If anyone should be apologizing, it's me," The boy admitted.


"I made assumptions and treated you badly. I'm sorry," he apologized, lowering his head slightly.

The blue haired dragon slayer couldn't help but giggle, an action that both confused and flustered Todoroki.

"You don't need to apologize! It's not like you could have known, so it's not your fault."

The boy's eyes softened as he gazed at the girl, a slight blush rising to his cheeks as he took in the view.

"Miyazaki. Thank you."

She smiled at him, something that made his heart beat rapidly.

"It's really no problem. And please, call me Hanako. Miyazaki feels a bit too formal..."

"Alright, then call me Shouto."

The two continued to stare at each other before the door of the waiting room was promptly kicked down.

"What the-icy hot, what the hell are you doing in here?! Besides this is my space to-crap this is waiting room number two!" The ash blonde yelled.

"Katsuki?" Hanako questioned, tilting her head like a cute puppy.

'She's on a first name basis with Bakugou as well?' Shouto thought, looking between the two before turning back to stare at Hanako.

Katsuki noticed this, settling his gaze on the boy and glaring at him, to which Shouto ignored.

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