第十五話 | 自分の道を築く

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3rd p. o. v.

Before the second round of fighting could continue, a winner between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu needed to be established. Midnight decided on an arm wrestling tie-breaker. The two seemed pretty evenly matched, but Kirishima ended up winning in the end. That meant he would be fighting Katsuki.

The next fight was one Hanako was slightly worried about. Izuku was strong, that she didn't doubt. But so was Todoroki. She wondered how long Izuku could hold on against him.

In the end, Izuku ended up breaking almost all his fingers, even re-breaking some in the midst of battle. He put up a good fight, but it wasn't enough to beat Todoroki.


"The bones in your right arm were shattered, I'm afraid it will never be the same as it was before. I'll need to remove the bone fragments or they'll get stuck in your joints. I'll heal you afterward," Recovery Girl said to Izuku, who laid bandaged up on the infirmary bed.

The elderly woman sighed.

"You lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. Look at what he's done to make you proud," She scolded All Might.

"I don't like it one bit. You're going too far, you hear? You and the boy. Don't praise him for what he's done today."

Just then, Iida, Ochaco, Tsu, and M*neta bursted into the room.

"Midoriya!!" They called.

Hanako turned around to greet them.

"Are you okay?" Ochaco asked. 

"Oh, it's nice to meet you sir," She nodded towards skinny All Might. Hanako resisted the urge to laugh at the fact Ochaco didn't recognize the hero.

"Uh, yeah..."

"He's in no state for visitors," Recover Girl stated.

"Hey you guys, shouldn't you be watching the matches?" Izuku asked with a shaky voice.

"They're taking a quick break for now," Iida responded.

Recovery Girl was quick to try and shoo the group out.

"I know you're worried, but I've got to focus on surgery now."


"Go on, get out of here!"


"Surgery is a big deal, isn't it?!"

"Will his wounds be healed?"

"Don't worry just leave me to it!"

The four then left after that.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't do what you asked of me. If I had shut up, not said anything, I might have been able to beat him. But I-" Izuku cut himself off.

"Izuku, don't apologize for trying your best," Hanako told him.

"Yeah, but still...I'm sorry."

"It's true the match didn't go how we wanted it to. Realizing where you went wrong won't change that. But listen, meddling where you don't technically have to is the essence of being a hero."

Hanako sighed as Izuku cried, hating to see him in such a state.

"Recovery girl, would you like help with the surgery? It would be good training for me," the dragon slayer offered.

"Don't worry about it, deary. I appreciate the offer but your next match is starting soon. You shouldn't miss it."

Reluctantly, Hanako left.

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